Tetracycline from acne

Use antimicrobial agents to treat acne is quite logical - this is the fastest way to stop the growth of bacteria that provoke inflammation. Tetracycline from acne in this case is an ideal choice. But it should be remembered that this drug to eliminate cosmetology problems can not be taken inside, only externally.

How to take tetracycline from acne?

To prevent this antibiotic from harming the body, it should be used with caution. Tetracycline is not suitable for children under 8 years old, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Also this remedy does not help you if the pimples are not caused by bacteria:

The most effective tetracycline against acne, which is a consequence of increased sebum secretion and penetration of pores of foreign microorganisms, bacteria.

The drug in the form of ointment should be applied pointwise to the site of inflammation 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks. If you have tetracycline tablets, they should be crushed in a mortar, diluted with boiled water in a ratio of one to one and used as a talker . After moistening the cotton pad, wipe the face 1-2 times a day for 10 days.

How does Tetracycline help with acne?

Whether Tetracycline helps with acne, you can find out only by experience - the process takes place individually in each case. Someone's result will appear in a few days, someone for a complete cure will take a month. It is very important to respond to all changes in the body - if redness, itching, flaking occurs, the drug should be discontinued. All this is a consequence of individual sensitivity to the antibiotic.

If you are prone to allergies, before the treatment with tetracycline, test for sensitivity. Apply to the elbow and wait for an hour. If there is no response, you can start therapy.