Deodorant antiperspirant

To combat the unpleasant odor use a deodorant, or antiperspirant. These funds operate in different ways. But what distinguishes the deodorant from antiperspirant, we will consider in more detail.

What is a deodorant?

The principle of the deodorant is to prevent the smell of sweat due to the destruction of bacteria. The content of alcohol can lead to skin irritation, therefore, when choosing a deodorant, preference should be given to those that contain mint, chamomile , ivy.

Perfumed deodorant

Combating odor in this case is due to a large amount of alcohol and aromatic mixtures. Such a tool of the bacterium does not destroy, only masks the smell.

How does the antiperspirant work?

This tool is aimed at blocking pore activity. However, it should be used only in certain places. This remedy is so effective that many people try to apply it almost to the whole body. The most widely used antiperspirants are odorless, which make it possible to use perfume or perfumed water.

Deodorant-antiperspirant - Properties

Combines the properties of deodorant and antiperspirant deodorant-antiperspirant. This remedy prevents sweating and kills germs. Their plus is that the active components are in it in a smaller amount, which makes such products safe for daily use.

Which is better - deodorant or antiperspirant?

We will understand that the deodorant or antiperspirant is better. The choice of this or that remedy depends on several factors:

  1. The use of these products does not mean the rejection of soap and water. After all, the deodorant shows its properties only on clean skin.
  2. The type of work activity also affects the choice. Office workers can use deodorant-antiperspirant with unobtrusive aroma. Those whose work is associated with high physical exertion, it is recommended to give preference to deodorant

Remedy for sensitive skin

There are protective products from the smell of solid, ball and in the form of sprays. The question arises, which antiperspirant is better for sensitive skin. Properties of funds with a change in performance remain the same. It is important to choose one that does not contain alcohol, preservatives and perfumes.

If you prefer deodorant sprays, then choose those whose composition includes silicones. They contribute to a better location on the skin. The alcohol contained in deodorants irritates the skin. When buying deodorants, study the composition for the presence in it of alantoin or an extract of aloe , these substances have a calming effect.