Aloe extract

There are more than 300 of its species, but the most famous, it is an aloe tree that can be found in almost every home, and aloe vera. The extract is prepared from aloe leaves, under special conditions (low temperature, darkness). Its therapeutic effect is explained by the presence in the extract of biogenic stimulants, which are formed in the leaves of aloe under unfavorable conditions.

Liquid aloe extract for injection

Water extract of aloe vera, which is released in ampoules of 1 ml. It is used for bronchial asthma, inflammatory diseases of the eyes, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Injections are done subcutaneously, once a day, 1 ml each, or depending on the doctor's instructions. Contraindications for use are cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, pregnancy, kidney disease.

Aloe extract for oral administration

It exists in the form of liquid and in tablets. Liquid extract is a transparent, bitter liquid of red-yellow color, which is produced in 100 ml vials. Tablets and liquid extract are used for the same diseases as injections, as well as for the treatment of constipation and gastrointestinal problems.

Other dosage forms

To treat burns, wounds, various skin lesions, special gels and ointments are produced on the basis of the aloe extract. And for the treatment of eye diseases there is an extract in the drops.

Aloe extract in cosmetology

In cosmetology, aloe is used as an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, antimicrobial agent, for healing sunburn, treating acne, dermatitis, furuncles, and other skin diseases. The extract of aloe juice easily penetrates the skin, restores metabolism in it, removes inflammation and irritation, cleanses pores, moisturizes the skin. On its basis, creams and tonics for the face, balsam-rinses, and after-shave foams are made.

For the manufacture of home care products for skin and hair, you can buy a water or dry (sabur) extract obtained by evaporating aloe juice, in specialized stores or prepare it yourself. The extract is obtained by evaporating the broth or infusion of aloe leaves, up to about a third of the original volume. After cooling, the extract obtained is strained and stored in a cool place, but unlike industrially manufactured preparations, the shelf life of home remedies is very limited.

In cosmetology, an extract of aloe vera is used. It should be noted that in order for aloe to have the desired effect, its concentration in cosmetics should be at least 20%. At home preparation of preparations, it is necessary to take aloe not younger than 3 years and if possible use the lower, most fleshy leaves.

For the skin of the face

  1. For the braces. Finely chopped aloe leaves are wrapped in foil and put for two weeks in the refrigerator. Then, the resulting jelly, put in a jar and hold for 2 more days. Apply as a mask on the face, pre-lubricated with a suitable cream for your skin, for 15 minutes. After three sessions with cream, apply only jelly. Then repeat everything. To achieve the effect, the course of masks should last at least a month.
  2. With problematic skin, it is recommended to make lotions from aloe juice, or use a mask of egg whites and aloe juice (for 2 tablespoons of juice, 1 protein). Also, to combat acne, cosmetic ice can be used: 3 table aloe juice tablets mixed with sage broth (150 ml) poured into molds and freeze. The resulting ice wipe face every morning.

For hair

  1. In the case of fatty and dandruff-prone hair, you can use pure aloe juice, which is applied to the scalp, closer to the roots about an hour before washing.
  2. For thin and weak hair, a mask of aloe juice, lemon juice and butter (jojoba, almonds or grape seed) in a proportion of 1: 1: 1 is a good choice.
  3. Also, a mask of aloe leaves, crushed in gruel, honey and oil, has a healing-restoring effect.