The knees ache - what kind of a doctor?

To assign the right and effective effective treatment it is important to get to the right specialist, especially in the pathology of the musculoskeletal system. If a person suffers from the fact that his knees are aching - to which doctor should the local therapist tell after a preliminary examination. The cause of this symptom may be various diseases that are in scattered areas of medicine.

To which doctor should I go with a complaint "does my knee ache after trauma"?

When a pain syndrome occurs after a mechanical damage to the joint, it is logical to consult a traumatologist. This specialist is engaged in the therapy of the following problems:

To diagnose a traumatologist, he will first conduct a survey (anamnesis), record the symptoms of the disease, perform a clinical examination of the knee, and then assign an X-ray examination in several projections, you may need an MRI or CT of the joint.

Which doctor treats diseases with the symptom of "knee pain"?

If the causes of the problem are not obvious and understandable to the patient, it is better to first consult the therapist. A general practitioner will be able to presume a preliminary diagnosis and recommend more specialized specialists:

Each of the listed doctors is engaged in therapy of a certain set of diseases, although in most cases the injuries of the knees are accompanied by characteristics that are in adjacent areas of medicine. Therefore, it is possible that the treatment will be carried out by several specialists.

What kind of doctor should I address with the problem of "my knees ache badly"?

With intense and even intolerable pain, which excludes an independent visit to the clinic, it is advisable to call an ambulance team. Doctors will help to stop the inflammatory process and quickly reduce the severity of the pain syndrome, take the patient to the hospital.

The exact diagnosis and the causes of the described symptom will be clarified already in the hospital. First, the patient will examine the therapist, after which the specialist will give direction to the x-ray of the knee joint. According to the results of the study further treatment will be the task of one of the doctors listed in the previous paragraph.