Dyufaston with a delay in menstrual periods - rules of admission and side effects

Delay of menstruation is a common phenomenon in women of reproductive age. Violation is often unstable. Delay in 3-5 days gynecologists do not consider or count as infringement. However, the absence of menstruation for 7 days and longer - the way to contact a doctor.

Why do not the periods begin?

The reasons explaining the situation, why do not come monthly in time, maybe a lot. Often even doctors have difficulty in diagnosing. It often happens that the delay in menstrual flow is due to several factors simultaneously. Among the frequent provoking factors it is necessary to distinguish:

  1. Stress. This condition is characterized by increased synthesis of adrenaline - a hormone that affects the work of the reproductive system.
  2. Diseases of the reproductive system. Pathologies affecting the sex glands lead to a violation of the synthesis of estrogens, causing imbalance.
  3. Change the mode of the day. Often delays occur in women working in night shifts, who have a discontinuous daily routine.
  4. Admission of hormonal drugs. Treatment with such medications in the early stages is often accompanied by a malfunction of the menstrual cycle, which is observed by women using contraceptive pills.
  5. Insufficient or excessive body weight. Such changes in the female body are reflected in the metabolic processes that involve a change in the hormonal background.
  6. Menopause. The extinction of the reproductive system is always accompanied by a cycle failure due to a lack of synthesis of sex hormones by the ovaries.
  7. Pregnancy. In this case, the delay in menstrual flow is physiological and regular.

Is it possible to call up monthly with DuPaston?

Women who experience problems with the regularity of menstruation often hear of a drug such as Dufaston. This drug, on a synthetic basis, is a complete structural analogue of female progesterone. It can stimulate the processes in the reproductive and hormonal system, regulating their work. Given this feature, Duphaston for the call of menstruation is often appointed by doctors to restore the menstrual function of the reproductive system. In such cases, therapy is always carried out in a complex way: along with Dufaston, estrogens are prescribed.

Dupaston - what is this medicine?

When appointing gynecologists, Duphaston, what kind of drug is known to all patients. This is a synthetic analogue of progesterone - dydrogesterone. In its structure, chemical properties, it is similar to the above hormone and has an analogous effect on the body. Dydrogesterone does not belong to the derivatives of testosterone, so it lacks many side effects that have synthetic progestogens.

Duphaston with a delay in menstruation is often used in gynecological practice. He helps cope with such diseases of the reproductive system as:

Duphaston for monthly calls - how to take?

It is worth remembering that this drug has a hormonal basis. Before you drink Dyufaston for a monthly call, a woman should make sure that the reason for their absence is exactly a violation of the hormonal background. To do this, you need to see a doctor and undergo appropriate treatment. In addition, it is necessary to make sure that there is no pregnancy before taking the drug: taking the drug may affect its course.

More often than not, women use Dufaston with a delay in menstruation, but it can also be used to call for months earlier. However, there are differences in the pattern of drug use and duration of treatment. Doctors do not recommend using the medicine on their own, as this will affect the condition of the reproductive system. Dufaston can cause:

Dyufaston for calling monthly for delay

Duphaston with a delay in regular menstruation can be used if the monthly absences a week or more. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the option that untimely menstruation is not caused by a stressful factor, physical overwork, pregnancy. Girls actively involved in sports often face a cycle violation directly for this reason.

But even in the presence of periodic delays, doctors advise not to rush to take hormonal funds. Change in the frequency, periodicity of menstrual flow, occurring no more than 3 times a year, is usually considered a variant of the norm. If the violations of the cycle are permanent after the examination, a woman is prescribed a course of therapy. To eliminate the delay caused by a lack of progesterone, Duphaston may be prescribed, which takes no more than 10 days.

Duphaston for a call earlier than the month

Often in life, women are faced with a situation where it is necessary to bring the menstruation day closer. An important trip, rest, happens, is at the time of menstruation. In order not to change their plans, women use Dufaston to stimulate menstruation. The drug accelerates the growth of uterine myometrium, which is achieved the required thickness and begins to tear away, provoking monthly.

Doctors negatively regard the measures aimed at accelerating the arrival of another menstruation. Even once using Duphaston tablets to call the menstruation, a woman influences this way to the endocrine system. Periodic, independent use of these drugs can lead to negative consequences in the form of:

The scheme for receiving Dufaston for calling monthly

Before applying Dufaston to call monthly, a woman needs to consult a doctor. Only after the examination, the diagnostic procedures, during which the cause of the delay is established, the medics prescribe the drug. In this case, the dosage, multiplicity and frequency of reception is determined individually, but depends on the factor that triggered the disorder.

More often Dyufaston with a delay of monthly use as follows:

Duphaston for monthly calls - should I continue?

Receiving Dyufaston for a monthly call is terminated after they begin. However, in some cases, when the delay is provoked by severe hormonal changes, the drug can be prescribed for a longer period if the cycle is violated. In this situation, the doctor sets the individual dosage, the frequency of the medication. Depending on the severity of the disorder, the duration of Dufaston's administration may be 3-6 months.

In this case, doctors take into account the fact of the decrease in the synthesis of progesterone in the body against the background of the constant intake of its synthetic analogue. To prevent this, with Dufaston's therapy, take a break after using the medication for 2-3 consecutive months. A woman must strictly follow the doctor's prescriptions. This will reduce the risk of complications, will quickly achieve the goal.

Dufaston - side effects

Any drug has side effects. Not an exception and Dufaston, the side effects from the use of which can be as follows:

Dyufaston - contraindications for use

Even in the presence of indications for the use of Dyufaston with a long delay in menstruation can not be used by all women. To protect yourself, before applying the girl should contact a doctor. Only for its purpose can drink Dyufaston, the contraindications to the use of which are as follows:

Monthly after Dufaston

Many women notice that the months after the call of Dufaston change their character. So, often with prolonged treatment with the drug, they have a brown tint , decrease in volume. This is due to the inadequate recovery of the endometrium after cancellation. However, it is possible and the opposite option - an increase in the volume of menstrual blood and the duration of menstruation. If the cycle does not normalize within 3 months after cancellation, you should contact your gynecologist.