Endometriosis - what is it, and how to get rid of the disease forever?

Among gynecological diseases, accompanied by abnormal growths in the reproductive organs, endometriosis ranks second in prevalence. The disease is characterized by a sluggish course, so it is diagnosed at later stages.

Endometriosis - what is it?

Hearing from a gynecologist such a diagnosis, many women have no idea what endometriosis is, how it manifests itself and how it is treated. This pathological condition is characterized by increased proliferation of glandular tissues of the uterus of a benign character. The newly formed cells are similar in their structure and functions with endometrial cells, but they can also exist outside the uterus. Sprouting monthly undergoes cyclic changes, like the endometrium.

As a result of the penetration of cells into neighboring organs and tissues, new foci are formed, which subsequently lead to the formation of adhesions and cysts. Often endometriosis is accompanied by other diseases of a gynecological nature:

Endometriosis - Species

Having dealt with the disease of endometriosis, what kind of pathology, let us dwell on its types. It should be noted, when a woman develops endometriosis, this does not immediately become obvious. Symptoms of pathology increase as it progresses. Depending on the degree of disturbance and changes in the endometrium, several types of pathology are distinguished. So, depending on the localization of foci, distinguish:

Genital endometriosis

Hearing the diagnosis of genital endometriosis, what is it and how it is manifested - women do not represent. It should be noted that it is divided into external and internal. With an internal type of disease, the foci penetrate into the wall thickness, leaving the boundaries of its mucosa (adenomyosis). External endometriosis is characterized by the spread of foci beyond the limits of the genital organ.

A common form in this case is endometriosis of the cervix, when endometrial cells are found on the surface of the mucous cervical canal. Also, endometrial foci can be localized in:

Endometrioid foci, like the endometrium, respond to the action of hormones that are synthesized in the sex glands. At the end of each menstrual cycle, they bleed, resulting in destruction. In their place, the focus of inflammation is formed, and eventually cysts filled with a dark liquid, adhesions, scars may appear. Such changes adversely affect reproductive function, hinder conception. With such a symptomatology, a woman turns to the doctor.

Extragenital endometriosis

Extragenital and internal endometriosis differ not only in the place of localization of the focus, but also in the clinical picture. The type of external endometriosis is determined by the organ in which the outgrowth is formed. Most often affected:

Endometriosis - Causes

Endometriosis, what kind of disease is considered above, gynecologists refer to those diseases, the etiology of which is not fully understood. There are several theories explaining the mechanism of development of the pathological process. The most widespread among doctors is the theory of retrograde menstruation. According to her, along with menstrual blood, the particles of the dead endometrium penetrate the abdominal cavity, the tubes and begin to function there. When the focus is spreading, there is endometriosis of the ovary. Among the factors that increase the risk of development:

Symptoms of endometriosis in women

For the disease is characterized by a prolonged and progressive course, so the obvious signs of endometriosis women are already in the midst of the disease. In some, endometriosis is asymptomatic and is detected by accidental examination. Among the main manifestations of the disease, doctors call:

  1. Painful sensations. The characteristic localization of pain is the lower part of the abdomen. Its feature is strengthening during menstruation and on the eve of menstruation. Often the painful sensations extend to the region of the waist and sacrum. Women with a similar disease notice increased pain during intercourse.
  2. Change in the nature of menstruation. Often, women talk about profuse menstruation , which may be preceded by minor spotting. In this case, the periodicity of menstruation is also violated.
  3. Violation of reproductive function. Endometriosis is accompanied by an inflammatory process and the formation of adhesions. As a result of such changes, patients with endometriosis often experience problems with conception.
  4. Soreness of the affected area during palpation. This symptom is observed with extragenital endometriosis, when the focus is outside the uterus and affects neighboring organs.

There are a number of non-permanent symptoms that can also indicate endometriosis:

Degrees of endometriosis

Depending on the prevalence of the disease, the number of affected tissues and organs, there are several degrees of pathological process:

  1. 1 degree - the disease affects the surface of the uterus, with no more than two foci. Pain with endometriosis of this type is absent or weakly expressed.
  2. 2 degree - affects the deep layers of the uterus, the focus is often one, but large.
  3. 3 degree - a large number of foci of growth, localized in the deep layers of the uterus. The process extends further along the reproductive system, small cysts appear on the ovaries and thin spikes in the peritoneum.
  4. 4 degree - deep pathological foci are formed on the ovaries, there is a fusion of organs among themselves, spikes are formed. Often occurs the germination of the vagina in the rectum. This stage requires surgical intervention.

Endometriosis - treatment

Before treating endometriosis, doctors prescribe a comprehensive examination of the body for a woman to establish the exact cause. Elimination of the endometriosis focus is the main task of physicians. There are two directions of therapy:

Endometriosis - drugs for treatment

Complex treatment of endometriosis in women involves the development of an individual algorithm of therapy. Preparations are selected taking into account the severity of the disease, the stage of the pathological process. Among the medicines used, it is necessary to distinguish:

  1. Antiprogestins (Danazol) - suppress the synthesis of gonadotropins.
  2. Gonadoliberin agonists (Burselin, Tryptorelin, Leuprorelin) suppress the work of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, reducing the production of gonadotropins and affecting the secretion of the ovaries.
  3. Combined oral contraceptives (Dienogest, Duphaston) - with endometriosis help to adjust the work of the ovaries. COC Jeanine with endometriosis artificially creates an elevated level of hormones in the blood, and the body significantly reduces the production of their own.

Treatment of endometriosis with folk remedies

With such a disease as endometriosis, treatment with folk remedies is an additional measure. It improves the overall well-being of a woman, reduces the symptoms of the disease.

Boron endometriosis


Preparation, application

  1. The grass is poured with boiling water and put on a water bath.
  2. Tired for 15 minutes.
  3. The prepared broth is divided into 3 parts. Take 1 part per day an hour before meals.

Purity in endometriosis


Preparation, application

  1. The grass is poured with steep boiling water, it is insisted for 2 hours.
  2. Filter and take 50 ml 3-4 times daily before meals. The course of treatment is 10-12 days.

Herbal Remedies


Preparation, application

  1. Herbs are mixed.
  2. 2 tbsp. Spoons of the obtained mixture are poured with boiling water, insist 2 hours in a thermos bottle.
  3. Filter and take half the glass half an hour before meals. Take a month, then take a break for 10 days.

What is the danger of endometriosis?

The disease leaves an imprint on the functioning of the reproductive system and the health of women in general. Endometriosis of the cervix and uterine body can lead to the following diseases:

Endometriosis and pregnancy

With endometriosis, you can get pregnant, but most women have problems with conception. About 50% of women with a similar diagnosis for a long time can not become mothers. This is due to changes in the endometrial layer of the uterus, a violation of patency of the fallopian tubes. However, there is also the opposite effect: in women who give birth, foci disappear on their own. This phenomenon is caused by a decrease in the concentration of estrogens and an increase in the level of progesterone. Women forever forget about endometriosis, what kind of illness and how it manifests itself.