Hematometer after medoborta - treatment

Quite often after the medaborta in women, such complication of abortion as a hematoma develops. The hematometer is essentially a congestion in the uterus of the blood that develops due to spasmodic cervical spasm, which worsens the outflow of blood.

Symptoms of hematomas

  1. The hematometer is shown to be absent after the use of special means for medical abortion, a feeling of heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen, a sharp cessation of bleeding, an increased temperature.
  2. Pain in the abdomen is initially minor, but then it intensifies and acquires a cramping character.
  3. Also for hematomas, a disorder of the cycle is characteristic (by the type of amenorrhea ).

Quite often the hematometer appears almost imperceptibly for the patient, which later can lead to endometritis and endometriosis, in which there are secretions of a southerly nature with an unpleasant odor, there are traumatic pains in the lower abdomen and lower back.

If the time is not taken to treat hematomas after an abortion, then it can provoke purulent inflammation and sepsis, threatening a woman with a fatal outcome.

Treatment of hematomas

The goal of treating hematomas is to eliminate the contents from the uterus. For this purpose, stimulating uterine contractions are prescribed and antispasmodic agents that promote the resumption of bleeding and reduce pain.

If this treatment does not work, then sucking the contents out of the uterus (pus or blood) is performed using a special thin probe inserted into the uterus through the cervical canal.

If there is a complication of hematomas in the form of inflammation, then the patient is first given antibacterial therapy, and only after it is completed, the drainage procedure is performed.