Than to treat a cystitis at women?

Women who turn to the doctor with complaints of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, painful urination, especially at the end of the process, a possible admixture of blood in the urine, after additional tests, a diagnosis is most often made - cystitis .

It means inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. There is an opinion that the main cause of cystitis is hypothermia, however it is not always so, it will be more accurate to say that freezing is only a trigger mechanism. Basically, the appearance of the disease is preceded by an infection of a different nature, which, due to the anatomical structure of the woman, can easily enter the bladder (according to statistics, most often the cause of cystitis is the E. coli ). An acute manifestation of the disease is characterized by vivid symptoms that can not be ignored.

Effective treatment of cystitis in women

In cases when complex treatment of acute cystitis in women did not follow, then the disease can go on into a chronic form, and the question of how to treat this disease will become a real problem. Therefore, in order to obtain a fast and modern treatment of cystitis in women, it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

After taking the tests (urinalysis and bacterial culture), the doctor prescribes the drug treatment of cystitis in women, whose course necessarily includes antibiotics. The drug itself, its dosage and duration of administration is adjusted depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the form of the disease and the results of the tests. If a woman does not have any improvement in the treatment of cystitis, it is possible to prolong the course or replace the antibiotic with another. The main task is to destroy the pathogen of inflammation.

The use of antibiotic therapy quite often quickly eliminates the manifestation of the acute form of cystitis in a woman, but does not guarantee that the treatment has been performed to the fullest extent, and thereafter no relapse will occur. For this reason, a qualified specialist will definitely recommend a parallel intake of additional medications. Most often these are herbal preparations that have an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect.

Also, biologically active components that normalize urination, the condition of the kidneys and urinary tracts are practiced. Necessary measures are being taken to restore the normal microflora of the vagina. The spectrum of drugs used for cystitis to date, is large enough, but to give any recommendations and appoint treatment should only a specialist.

Concomitant methods of treatment of cystitis in women

To reduce the pain in cystitis, you can take a warm bath, drink as much liquid as possible, except for strong tea and coffee, make warming compresses in the urinary area.

When a woman does not have an opportunity to contact a doctor for treatment of cystitis as soon as possible, you can use folk remedies, especially good use of various herbal decoctions (calendula, St. John's wort, chamomile).

Treatment of cystitis in elderly women and pregnant women should be under special supervision. In the first - in connection with the age-related changes in the genitourinary system and a special susceptibility to various infections due to decreased immunity. Future mothers are likely to cause harm to the baby in the process of treatment, although it is much more dangerous to leave the disease on its own accord. Since the infection can spread to other organs, especially the kidneys, which are already experiencing an increased load.