Endometrial cancer

Endometrial cancer is a fairly common oncological disease. It is caused, first of all, by the growth and development of atypical cells, which are formed in the mucous membrane of the endometrial layer of the uterus. The main reason for the development of this disease is considered to be a violation of the hormonal system, in particular, an excess of the hormone estrogen.

What leads to the development of endometrial cancer?

After a long study of such a disease as cancer of the endometrium of the uterus, the scientists identified the following factors that increase the risk of its development:

It is with the conditions described above that cancer develops most often.

How to recognize the cancer yourself?

Symptoms of endometrial cancer, as with all cancer, are hidden. For a long time, a woman does not suspect anything and feels well enough. Only with the passage of time, there are such signs as:

  1. Bloody discharge from the genital tract. They arise, as a rule, regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle. Especially, their appearance is alarming during the menopause.
  2. Pain sensations of different nature and intensity. They appear already at the stage when there is an increased growth of tumor-like formation, which in turn leads to an increase in the uterus in the volume. In those cases when the tumor starts to press on nearby organs, women complain of aching pains, which intensify at night.
  3. Violation of the function of excretory system. Quite often, with such diseases, constipation and impaired urination are noted.

If you have these symptoms, you should always consult your doctor.

How is endometrial cancer treated?

With an early referral of a woman to a doctor with a diagnosis of endometrial cancer, the outcome outlook is favorable. The entire process of treatment of endometrial cancer proceeds in 4 stages:

Quite often, after the surgical procedure, the endometrial cancer completely disappears and the woman is cured. With early treatment and a highly differentiated tumor, this is observed in 95% of cases. If the disease is detected in 4 stages, the outcome is unfavorable and in 35% of cases a woman dies within 5 years. That is why, prophylactic examinations with ultrasound play an important role in prevention.