Infertility in women

Infertility in women is a scourge of modern times, because this pathology is more and more often found in medical practice. Let's see what infertility is, what are its causes and what to do if you have such a problem.

The diagnosis of "infertility in women" can be formulated only after, during the year, a woman attempted to conceive a child, but, regardless of the reason, they were unsuccessful. Statistics of recent years, indicates that to date, 10-15% of women suffer from infertility.

Types of infertility in women

There are several types of infertility in women, and each of them has its own specifics. Depending on this, we can talk about the chances of a cure and the subsequent successful conception.

So, the types of infertility in women:

  1. Endocrine infertility - is associated with abnormal ovarian function or any other imbalance in the hormonal background.
  2. The barren infertility - or the cervical factor of infertility, breaks the integrity of the cervix, thereby making it difficult, or even blocking the movement of sperm. Also, it can refer to abnormal interaction between cervical mucus and sperm.
  3. Uterine - congenital or acquired defects of the endometrium (inner layer of the uterus) or myometrium (muscle layer).
  4. Tubal infertility - refers to the damage or anatomical defect of the fallopian tubes. Most often, its cause is chlamydia .
  5. Idiopathic infertility - also called infertility of an unknown genesis, as its cause can not be established.

Hormonal infertility in women

Hormonal, or endocrine infertility, most often cause the impossibility of conception of the baby. It can occur as a consequence of pathology of the ovaries, pancreas or thyroid gland.

Pathology of the ovaries

Since the normal menstrual cycle is the key to successful conception, any of its disorders, and especially the anovulatory cycles, play the most important role in the absence of fertility in women .

In order to understand the reason for the violation of the cycle, and, consequently, infertility, women need to know about the hormones that participate in this process.

On the day of menstruation begins the follicular phase. It is characterized by high rates of follicle-stimulating hormone production. The inadequacy of this substance, leads to the fact that the egg remains unripe, that is, incapable of ovulation.

The second phase is ovulation itself. Characterized by high levels of estradiol, which, prepare the egg for "travel" through the fallopian tubes and fertilization.

The third phase is luteal. Luteinizing hormone promotes the formation of a yellow body, which, in turn, produces progesterone. This hormone creates favorable conditions for the introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterus. Infertility due to luteal insufficiency is quite often found in practice and, more often, requires hormonal stimulation of ovulation.

The hormones described above are collectively referred to as "gonadotropes" and any violation in their balance can lead to problems with conception. But there are cases of normogonadotropic anovulatory infertility, when, despite normal indices, ovulation does not occur.

Other reasons

There are other causes of endocrine infertility. For example, in diabetes, thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism, an inadequate state of metabolism provokes a number of disorders in the body that lead to infertility in women. Suffers, including, and the metabolism of a substance called homocysteine. It is a product of amino acid processing methionine, and accumulates when the body does not work properly, creating significant problems. The relationship between elevated levels of homocysteine ​​and infertility in women has been scientifically proven, therefore, a medical adjustment of this parameter is required.

If you are faced with a problem of infertility, do not pull, but contact a specialist as soon as possible. Modern medicine offers a wide range of treatments, and therefore, who knows, maybe very soon you will be holding your long-awaited baby.