The dog is denied by the hind legs - reasons

Just yesterday your dog played and ran briskly, and today lies and does not get up. Perhaps the dog's back legs were refused , so why is this happening?

The dog refused the hind legs - what to do?

There are several reasons why a dog can not walk. This can be various injuries: rupture of ligaments and tendons, fracture or stretching, damage to the peripheral nerve. Such a condition can lead to certain diseases: arthrosis and arthritis of the joints of the legs, a herniated disc and a tumor. Paws of a dog may be denied due to an unsuccessful jump, blow or bite during a fight. Sometimes even after the dog has failed to slip on the ice, the hind legs may be denied.

With age, the dog can develop spondylosis - an age-related disease of the spine, during which individual vertebrae grow old, the nerve cells in them die and the dog can not walk.

Tumors in the spinal cord or in places close to it also lead to the pathology of the spinal column. As a result, the edema of the roots of the spinal cord is squeezed, and as a result, the dog's legs are refused.

As you can see, there are many reasons why the dog is denied back, and sometimes the front legs. In this case, the owners of the animal need to know what to do when they find such symptoms.

First of all, the owner needs to urgently drive the dog to the veterinarian, since some diseases with such symptoms require immediate help from a specialist. Timely medical help will have a stopping effect on the development of the pathological process, and the motor function of the dog's limbs will be restored.

A veterinarian can prescribe additional studies for diagnosis: myelography, radiography, and the delivery of tests. After that, choose the type of treatment: conservative or surgical.