The most affectionate breeds of cats

Of course, any owner who wants to get a kitty in his house always pays attention to the peculiarities of her character, unusual behavior and the manifestation of aggression. In particular, this applies to families with children.

Naturally, cats "with a character" are not very popular, because many prefer to have in their home a gentle, kind and most affectionate breed of cats. Bringing a kitten into your home, we do not know what will grow out of our pet in a year or two, since much depends on education and heredity. Our article will help you choose a kitten that would bring you and your children only joy and fun.

What breeds of cats are the most affectionate?

In the first place, among all breeds, there is a cat of the Siberian breed , it is not only affectionate, but also very devoted to its owner. I also want to note that cats of this breed should not be offended, because they are very vindictive and, at any moment, can remind you of their offense.

Another bright representative of very affectionate breeds of cats is the Russian blue . She takes second place in the affectionate. But, this behavior extends only to the members of the family in which she lives. In relation to strangers who visited their house, this breed behaves quite alienated. Despite the fact that many speak about the aggressiveness of the Russian blue cat, in relation to their masters, they, still, for many, remain the most devoted and tender friends.

The Don Sphynx is another breed of the kindest and affectionate cats, who practically do not have wool, so they are so popular with people with allergies, besides, the representatives of this breed are very fond of small children.

Also very affectionate breeds of cats are:

  1. Ragdoll.
  2. The Kurilian cat.
  3. Mekong cat.
  4. The Bobtail.
  5. British cat.
  6. Sphinx.
  7. Cornish Rex.
  8. Burmese cat.
  9. Maine Coon.
  10. Despite the fact that almost all representatives of these breeds show a vulnerable and angelic character, the greatest influence on them is provided by the environment in which they grow. It should be remembered that the love of cats is mutual, but cruelty and roughness these animals do not forgive, so love them, caress and cherish.