Scratched back after sunburn

Sunbathing and an attempt to acquire a beautiful tan is practically an integral attribute of a beach holiday. But there are cases when after sun exposure the skin starts to itch. And perhaps the most common area, prone to such unpleasant sensations, is the back and shoulders, which are usually the most exposed to the sun.

Why does my back itch after sunburn?

The main reasons for which itching can occur are several:

  1. Sunburn. The most frequent and easily identifiable problem, as it is accompanied not only by itching, but also redness, and soreness of the skin.
  2. The skin dries up and begins to peel off. Usually, this phenomenon occurs with prolonged intensive sunburn without the use of protective and moisturizers.
  3. Hypersensitivity to ultraviolet. In fact, it is an allergy to direct sunlight, also called solar dermatitis.
  4. Allergies caused by the use of cosmetics with photoactive components.

What if my back feels after sunburn?

  1. Take a shower, preferably cool. In addition, a good effect gives wiping and rinsing problem areas with a decoction of chamomile.
  2. With sunburn, in the absence of special remedies, itching will help to lubricate the back with kefir, sour cream or curdled milk.
  3. Apply a moisturizer to the skin. One of the best ways, regardless of the cause of the itching, is Panthenol or its analogs.
  4. If after a sunburn the back is strongly scratched, and signs of a sunburn are not probably, it is an allergic reaction. And the first thing to do is take any antihistamine.
  5. If the itching is caused by skin peeling, then you should use a soft scrub, and only then treat the skin with moisturizers.

And in any case, regardless of the cause, it is necessary to refrain from taking sun baths until the symptoms disappear completely, and then not to neglect the protective agents before going out into the sun, and moisturizing afterwards.