A little nonsense - to weed out or encourage?

"Yabed" - this word is every one of us at least once, but heard in his address as a child. It is not surprising that the shade of this word is negative, but is it really so? It should be noted immediately that in relation to children who have not yet turned 3 years old, it can not be used at all, because the kid does not complain, but informs his relatives that someone has acted badly. That is, the child behaves normally, and in his own words demonstrates the feeling of the violation, in his opinion, of justice. Parents for crumbs are the highest authority. It is to them that he addresses to restore justice.

That's why parents should not drum the kid with the phrase "To whine - it's bad!", But to teach him to cope with unpleasant and unfair situations on his own.

Street Nobody

The main rule is not to dismiss the child with the words "Understand yourself!". First, listen carefully at first. This will help you assess the situation: is adult intervention necessary? If you understand that he himself is quite capable of solving the problem, then help with advice.

Sometimes a child can not cope on his own. Then the adult should intervene. But to intervene does not mean punishing offenders! First, it is necessary to listen to both the child and the second party, and then draw conclusions to resolve the conflict peacefully and by all the ways.

Take into account, to wean the child to be misleading - the task is painstaking. It is possible that you will have to intervene several times, but eventually the children themselves will begin to understand how to behave in such situations. After all, running to my mother and back is time, and patience often is not enough for children.

Home Sneakers

If the family has two or more children, then the parents are well aware of the situation when one kid is talking to another. And it's not that he is a slander. It is likely that so little bit competes for parental love, shows a sense of jealousy or lack of attention. Are you sure that none of the children is deprived? Then do not interfere, but safely entrust the decision of all questions to children. Teach the brothers and sisters to negotiate.

Professional jade

It's no secret that children are great manipulators. They can control the behavior of those around them by constant misinterpretation. With the help of mom and dad, who pay close attention to any complaint, a child can punish someone. This behavior suggests that the child does not lament over the lack of parental care, and avenges her absence. Nayabednichov and enjoying the way parents punish the "offender", the child feels all-powerful. This behavior should be stopped immediately! Never interfere in children's "showdown", feeling a hint of trying to manipulate the child!

Neurotic abnormalities

If a child constantly complains about others and considers himself a victim, it can be a signal of neurotic deviation. Probably, he has some serious problem that does not give rest. That's why he pulls his mother even on minor occasions. Do not be ashamed and do not abuse the baby! If you independently fetch his problem does not work, contact a psychologist. Express your love to the child more often, encourage, help in solving problems that seem petty and worthless to you. Over time, he will believe in his strength, and the number of complaints will noticeably decrease.

And finally, teach the child to distinguish between "good" and "bad." If classmates have conceived something dangerous (to blow up something, have fun on the roof of a high-rise building), then informing an adult about this is not a denunciation! Especially, if the intention to tell the truth to adults, classmates are aware. And if the offender of the child is an adult, then the participation of parents is mandatory!