Getting ready for school

Admission to the first class is a real event for children and their parents. After all, this will change the way of life, the circle of communication, interests. Every mother wants her child to make progress in school. Therefore, there is a pre-school preparation of children for school. Training is aimed at the overall development of the child, helps him to get used to discipline. Of course, you can think about whether you need training for school, because all the same, the first class begins almost from scratch. But teachers and psychologists agree on what, of course, is needed.

Methods of preparing children for school

Any methodology should be comprehensive, teach not only specific skills, but assume overall development. Of course, now there are many ways that allow preschool preparation for school. You can select the most popular.

Zaitsev's Methodology

This method is approved by many teachers. He has well proven himself, both in group classes, and individual, including at home with his mother. The materials necessary for full-time studies are available to all. The methodology offers an original way of teaching writing, reading, which is an important aspect of preparing for school.

But along with this it is worth noting that the information in the primary classes will be presented in a completely different form and, perhaps, it will be more difficult for the student to adapt to the learning process.

Montessori Methodology

Now very popular and widely used in kindergartens, early development centers, as well as at home. It is aimed at the child's self-development, that is, parents create a learning environment and just watch the games, sometimes helping and guiding. Exercises include the development of motor skills and sensations. But the methodology does not presuppose a special discipline that is needed in school lessons. And this can affect the attitude of the child to learning.

Nikitin's Methodology

It involves active physical and creative development, children learn independence, and parents follow and unobtrusively suggest and motivate. The important thing is that according to this method a lot of information is freely available, any mom can read and understand everything herself.

Psychological preparation for school

Admission to the first class is associated with changes in the life of the child and this, in turn, is a stress for him. Often parents, saying "preparing for school", mean intellectual training, missing out on the sight that the learning process is also an interaction with other children and adults. To help the baby easier to transfer the period of adaptation, you need to take care of the psychological preparation of a first-grader to school. After all, if the student does not understand how to behave properly in the classroom, what is waiting for him in the learning process, then he is unlikely to become an excellent student and he will have good relations with his classmates.

You can highlight the main points to which you need to pay attention:

Preparation for school in 1 class can be carried out at home independently, relying on one method or combining them. Much attention is paid to this issue in kindergartens. But ideally, about a year before school, talk with a child psychologist who will give objective professional advice. Even if something goes wrong, there will be enough time to pay attention to it.