Jam from carrot

Carrots, of course, are very useful and common in our food roots. Carrots are prepared many first and second, cold and hot dishes, as well as salads, make pickled vegetable stock for the winter. Carrots are present in various dishes, but, as a rule, in most variants this ingredient is called, on the secondary roles.

It turns out that carrots can also be cooked something dessert (surprised?), For example ... jam (even more surprised?).

It would seem that a normal person does not come up with such a thing, how to cook jam from carrots for the winter, because the roots are perfectly prepared and stored in fresh form.

However, if you are a little versed in desserts and their preparation, you immediately appreciate the unusual and interesting nature of this approach. Jam from carrots, and if also with the addition of other fruits, so generally great, you can serve as a Sunday delicacy for morning tea or use for preparing complex confectionery, just surprise everyone.

We will tell you how to make jam from carrots (this can be done in different ways). As you know, there are different varieties of carrots, for jam most suited varieties that have natural sweetness, although options are possible.

Jam from carrots - recipe



Fresh carrots thoroughly wash with cold water and clean (it is convenient to do this with a special knife for cleaning vegetables). Beautifully and fairly finely carve carrots the desired way (circles, semicircles, brusochkami, straw, you can even rub it on a special grater for cooking vegetables in Korean). Place the carrots in a working container (it is better that it is an enameled pan or bowl) and fill with sugar. Leave for 8-12 hours, so that carrots let the juice, you can mix 1-3 times in the process. When enough juice is allocated, add 30-60 ml of water to the tank, mix it, bring it to the boil with minimal fire (we remove the foam) and boil for 5-10 minutes. Cool it to room temperature and repeat the cycle 1-3 times more. Before the last boil add citric acid, dissolved in 1 tbsp. spoon of water, as well as spices. Willingness of jam is defined as follows: if the droplet applied to the thumbnail does not spread and does not drip down during the coup, and the carrot has acquired transparency and a little darkened, so the jam is ready. You can store jam in small glass jars under plastic covers (well, or in containers that are tightened with tin lids).

About the same way, jam from carrots and apples is prepared. Apples in this case are most suitable - sweet and sour. Peeled and sliced ​​as you like carrots and slices of apples with peel (beautiful, preferably) fall asleep with sugar. Then proceed according to the method described above.

More exquisite varieties of jam - from carrots with lemon and / or orange.



We will cut the cleared carrots in the preferred way. With a vegetable knife we ​​cut the peel from the lemon, trying not to touch the white bitter layer. Juice squeezed. We'll clean the orange. With the crusts cut the white part, the rest is crushed, it will go to the jam. Juice squeezed and mixed with lemon.

We prepare the syrup on the basis of orange-lemon juice with the addition of water and whole sugar. Sliced ​​carrots, lemon peel and pieces of orange peel are poured into a clean container with sugar syrup. Stir and cook the jam until cooked on low heat in several receptions with cycles (boiling-digestion-cooling).