Alycha - recipes for the winter

Alycha is exceptionally prolific. Only one tree can harvest up to 100 kg of sweet and sour fruit, which then is taken as fresh or harvested for the winter. Recipes further we decided to devote to all possible ways of preserving the fruits of cherry plum to ensure that by the time of their maturation you already had the ideas of recipes.

Compote of cherry plums with bones for the winter

This compote recipe at the outlet gives a very thick, sweet and rich drink, which should be diluted with water to taste before consumption. The compote can be cooked both from one plum tree, and from plum with a plum in any proportions.



This compote is prepared relatively quickly and simply, since it does not require sterilization of dishes.

After having touched, rinsing and preliminary having dried a cherry plum, fill fruits with the chosen liter jar up to the top. In a jar pour the boiling water and cover it with a lid. Leave the fruit in boiling water for about 15-20 minutes, then pour the water into a saucepan and sprinkle sugar on it. Bring the syrup to a boil, making sure that all the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Fill the contents of the cans with hot syrup and quickly roll them with scalded lids.

If you want to make the drink a little more flavorful and spicy, add a vanilla pod or a cinnamon stick to the syrup before placing it over the fire.

Alycha sauce for the winter

One of the most popular preparations from cherry plums for winter is the Georgian sauce of tkemali, and therefore, if the fruits have accumulated a lot, instead of the usual jams and compotes, close the jar or other spicy sauce, which then perfectly suits as a company for dishes of meat and fish.



After cleansing the cherry plum, put the flesh in a saucepan and let it simmer for about half an hour until the berries turn into mashed potatoes. The resulting mashed potatoes can be wiped off, but it is much easier to beat it with a blender so that the sauce is homogeneous and there are no peels in it. To pearl alycha, pour in sugar, salt and hops-suneli. After thoroughly stirring the sauce, leave it to chew on the minimum heat for another half an hour. After the allotted time, we supplement the tkemali with chopped cilantro and garlic, cover again with a lid and cook for another 30 minutes. After the addition of vinegar, the sauce should be allowed to pour for another 5 minutes, and then you can immediately pour it on sterile jars and roll them up.

Cherry plum for winter

If you still do not know what you can cook from cherry plum for the winter, then the most obvious option is the jam. Because of the light acidity and tartness, the sweetness from cherry plums will not have analogues on the shelves of your pantry. In the future, a cherry can be eaten alone, and you can use it for baking.



Flesh plum orchards in an enamel dish. Separately, mix the granulated sugar with a little water and leave the syrup to boil, so that all the sugar crystals are dissolved. Fill the halves of the fruit with the prepared syrup and leave overnight. In the morning, part of the sugar crystallizes back, but it's easy to restore the old order of things, once again placing the pan on fire. After thawing the sugar top, jam from the plum is cooked for another 3.5-4 hours in minimal heat, regularly removing noise from the surface. Further the delicacy can be poured on sterile containers and roll up.