Quail meat - good and bad

Quail meat for its taste and useful properties is not inferior to any other meat. A small carcass of this bird weighs about 150 grams. From a juicy, fragrant and tender quail you can prepare a variety of interesting dishes. In many parts of the world quails are grown on special farms, and in Russia long since the meat of this bird was hunted, after which it was a frequent guest on the royal table.

How useful quail meat?

Quail meat in an offal-cleaned form contains almost 22% of proteins , which contributes to the collection of muscle mass and makes it one of the important components of the diet of many athletes. In addition, the meat of the quail is relatively low-calorie, since in 100 grams it contains only 134 kcal. The use of quail meat is also in the content of a large number of vitamins, and in particular: A, H, K and many B vitamins, and mineral components: potassium, calcium, copper, iron and magnesium. They contribute to strengthening the cardiovascular and circulatory system, improving immunity and working the brain. Useful properties of quail meat are also low in cholesterol, which makes it an ideal product for elderly people with atherosclerosis.

The healing properties of quail meat

Quail meat is very useful for people with heart disease, gastrointestinal tract and sick anemia . Quails are easily digested by the body, not overloading the pancreas, so it must be included in a special diet of people suffering from diabetes. The quail meat reveals its medicinal properties in front of people who have undergone complex diseases and operations. The most useful quail, cooked on steam, because this is the way cooking keeps the greatest amount of vitamins. It is worth considering, eating quail meat for medicinal purposes.

The harm of quail meat

Along with the benefits, quail meat can do some harm. For example, its low caloric content makes it a weak source of energy, so with significant physical exertion it will not fill the nutritional deficiency. Being low-fat meat, quail practically does not contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the body, and, therefore, unlike more fatty meat varieties, it does not affect the normal functioning of the nervous system.