Soup with pasta and potatoes

Today we will tell you how to prepare a light soup with pasta and potatoes. It turns out incredibly tasty and fragrant!

Recipe of soup with pasta and potatoes



Chicken broth is boiled in a saucepan over medium heat. Gently throw the potatoes, peeled, sliced ​​the same small cubes and boil for about 5 minutes, podsalivaya to taste. Onions and carrots are processed, melenko shiny and browned in a small amount of heated refined vegetable oil. To the half-finished potatoes we throw the pasta, mix it and after 10 minutes we spread the vegetable roast. Cover the pan with a lid, give soup of potatoes and pasta without meat to boil for another minute, and then turn off and insist 15 minutes.

Meat soup with pasta and potatoes



The pan is filled with water, sent to the fire and brought to a boil. Then lay out the meat, washed, processed and cut into pieces. Season with spices, remove if necessary scum and cook the broth for about 2 hours, closing the lid.

We peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes and fill them with water. Onions and carrots are processed, crushed and wessed in a frying pan in a warmed oil. Carefully we remove the lid and lower the prepared potatoes into the ready meat broth. Cook the ingredients for another 15 minutes, and then add the pasta and mix. After 5 minutes, we introduce vegetable roast, let the soup boil for 5 minutes and add chopped fresh herbs. All mixed, boil the contents and insist soup with pasta and potatoes under the lid for 30 minutes.

Chicken soup with pasta and potatoes



Rinse the chicken in a saucepan filled with water, throw a peeled whole onion and cook, removing scum, 55 minutes. All vegetables are cleaned beforehand, rinsed and crushed. Onions with carrots are browned until golden in vegetable oil. We remove the prepared chicken from the broth and throw there the prepared potatoes. Then add macaroni and vegetable roast. Season soup with spices, boil for about 10 minutes, and then spill on plates and each portion sprinkled with fresh shredded herbs.

Soup with meatballs, potatoes and pasta



In the mince we pour the breadcrumbs, salt, pepper and mix everything thoroughly with hands. We form from the meat mass small smooth balls and put them on a special cutting board. Luchok and carrots are cleaned, crushed and browned until golden in oil. With potatoes, cut the peel, cut into small pieces and lower it gently into boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes, until soft, and then throw the pasta and put meatballs. At the very end we send vegetable roasting to the soup, mix it, season the dish with spices and add fresh chopped greens. We boil the contents, remove the dishes from the plate, cover the soup with a lid and insist for 10 minutes.