Berry bug - healing properties

In the people it is called a bedbug for the smell of berries similar to the smell of a bug, but its medicinal properties make it quite insignificant. In the scientific world of plant growing, it is called the cranberry or the vaccine is excellent. And knowingly its name is consonant with the word vaccine. Accepting a small number of berries - like a vaccination of health for the body.

What is the use of bug bug?

Useful properties for us are the berries of the cranberry or bug, there are in it due to the high content of ascorbic acid and alkaloids. Vitamin C is necessary for the resistance of our body to colds, so people do not neglect the billet preparations for the winter. Unfortunately, this berry is not yet domesticated and is harvested in the swampy forest area. It grows in the Khabarovsk Territory, Kamchatka and in some areas of Sakhalin. Complex conditions in habitats make it even more difficult for us. People living on Sakhalin, collect not only berries bug, but leaves, which are no less rich in medicinal properties.

The greatest benefit of the cranberry brings people with hypertension or hypotension. Berry juice normalizes blood pressure better than some medications, without causing side effects. She also treats the disease with gastritis with low acidity. Hence it is worth noting that people suffering from gastritis with high acidity, this product is strictly contraindicated.

Application in the people

The fruits of the cranberries have a sweet and sour taste, so the juice made from them has its own unique and tasteless taste. They say that its properties help to alleviate the state of the body after alcohol poisoning.

Berry bugs are added to pastries or salad with leaves. At home, it is usually cooked in cans with sugar, an unusual and useful dessert. In various jams and jams you can add these berries, mixing them with others.

The usefulness of the berry is invaluable. Her breeding and breeding of different species are engaged in scientific institutions. It is very interesting to observe the change in the color of its leaves from the beginning to the end of flowering. At the same time, the flowers are white or gently pink, small and so like lilies in the spring. Soon the krasnika will appear in our gardens, as raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, cranberries and others appeared, which bring no less good, berries.