Flower pollen - application

Flower pollen is a popular folk remedy that is used to treat various ailments. Many connoisseurs of traditional medicine recommend taking it as part of other useful ingredients to improve the general state of the body during the period of exhaustion, as well as certain diseases.

Flower pollen is also called a bee-keeping, and its application extends far beyond medicine - this remedy is also actively used in cosmetology to improve skin turgor, as well as hair strengthening.

Treatment with pollen

The use of pollen in medicine is mainly aimed at treating the organs of the digestive tract, as well as for normalizing the work of the nervous system.

The method of application of pollen in case of liver disease

When the liver is damaged, flower pollen is used with honey: you need to mix 1 kg of honey with 100 g of pollen, and eat 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon. spoonful of this mixture.

Honey is known for its medicinal properties no less than pollen, and in many ways they are similar: both contain antibiotics, B vitamins, and have a common anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating action. That is why this mixture is recommended to be taken as an additive to the main treatment of hepatitis, regardless of what it is caused.

With liver cirrhosis and cholecystitis, such a drug will help activate cell regeneration and will favorably affect liver repair.

The course of treatment at the same time is quite long and is from 1 to 3 months of daily intake. It is important to keep an eye on whether there is an allergic reaction, because there are many allergens in honey.

The method of application of pollen in case of gastritis, colitis and enteritis

If these diseases are not in acute stage, then it is possible to carry out a preventive course for restoring the digestive tract. To do this, use flower pollen without additives, or with aloe juice and honey.

In the pure form, the intake of pollen is prescribed for half a teaspoon three times a day for 1 month.

If a combination of pollen with aloe juice and honey is preferable, then make the following mixture: 500 g of honey is mixed with 80 g of aloe juice and 20 g of pollen. Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

This same tool helps with a violation of the stool - diarrhea and constipation.

The method of applying flower pollen in depression, neurosis and asthenic states

Flower pollen is an excellent slow-acting tonic and also an easy antidepressant. Such properties of pollen are not surprising, because the substance is formed under the bright rays of the sun, and therefore has a high content of vitamin D, which is recommended for everyone to take during the winter to avoid apathy and asthenia.

So, if the symptoms of a neurosis are mildly expressed, then it is enough to take half a teaspoon of pollen 3 times a day. If the depressive state has obvious symptoms, disturbing the rhythm of life, then the pollen should be combined with sedatives, the action of which increases the pollen.

Application of pollen in pregnancy

During pregnancy planning and its course, doctors do not recommend taking it because it contains allergens. But after the fermentation of pollen with the help of the activity of bees, it becomes a bee stalk, and therefore is not so capable of causing allergic reactions, as it is commonly believed. In any case, in the absence of an urgent need, do not use pollen at this time.

Application of flower pollen in cosmetology

To get rid of wrinkles, use the following mask three times a week before going to bed:

  1. Mix 3 tsp. pollen with 50 g of olive oil, 10 g of glycerin and 10 g of beeswax.
  2. Melt the ingredients on a steam bath and apply on face.
  3. After 15 minutes, rinse the ingredients with warm water and moisturize the skin with a cream.