How useful is koumiss?

The homeland of koumiss is Mongolia and other countries of Central Asia. The inhabitants of these steppe regions traditionally contained a large number of horses, so the mare's milk was a very common product. And since there were no refrigerators at that time, milk was turned into koumiss.

What is the use of equine koumiss for women?

Kumis is obtained by fermentation under the influence of Bulgarian and acidophilus rods, as well as yeast. The composition of the drink includes nutrients of high digestibility: vitamins A , C, E, group B, mineral components (iodine, iron, copper), proteins, fats and living bacteria.

Useful properties of koumiss are widely studied and are often used in medical institutions. Antibiotic properties of the drink are especially appreciated - it is used to treat tuberculosis, typhoid, dysentery. With gastrointestinal disorders koumiss effectively improves the work of the digestive tract, stimulates the secretion of digestive secretions, suppresses the development of putrefactive microorganisms.

Koumiss affects the condition of the cardiovascular system and blood composition. If you drink this drink in the evening, it will improve sleep, soothe, relieve fatigue and irritation. This useful property of the drink is especially valuable for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, ladies will surely appreciate The ability of koumiss to relieve the symptoms of toxicosis and enhance lactation.

Harmful koumiss can be with individual intolerance of its components or lactose present in the lactic acid drink. Do not use this drink and with exacerbation of ulcerative or other gastric disease. In addition, some species of koumiss contain a sufficiently large amount of alcohol (up to 7 and even 40%), so pregnant women should prefer lighter drinks.

Useful properties of goat koumiss

Today kumis is cooked not only from mare's milk, but also from cow's and goat's milk. These drinks are also useful in their own way. Goat koumiss, for example, is a good remedy for exhaustion, blood diseases, nervous diseases. Like any kind of koumiss, a drink made from goat's milk is a great help for a hangover - it removes intoxication and facilitates overall well-being.