Pig heart is good and bad

Pork heart is a very popular in-use product, which is often indispensable for original, tasty and not particularly expensive salads. It has a lot of vitamin PP, the vitamins of group B are quite widely represented, besides there is enough vitamin C. If you really are interested in the pig's heart, the benefits and harm of which excites the cooks, nutritionists and doctors, he has a lot of iron. So much that this product is strongly recommended to use in the diet for those people who have anemia.

Benefit and harm of the pig heart for the body

Thanks to proteins and useful amino acids, it is well suited for a diet for people suffering from kidney problems. It also helps to restore this subproduct, strengthen the nervous system, and in some cases, help to cope with the consequences of severe exhaustion. In this case, the calorie content of the pig heart is not very high, slightly more than 100 kcal per 100 grams, which makes it possible to consider it a dietary product. So on its basis you can even do something like a home-made personal diet for effective weight loss.

Even in the pig's heart is contained in large quantities of potassium and iodine, which is useful for metabolic processes. And speaking about the benefits of the pig's heart, we must not forget about the large amount of phosphorus necessary for the normal operation of the central nervous system, and also for maintaining the tone of brain activity. And again: if you do not know what the heart of a pig is useful in general, do not forget that, like any muscle, it is primarily a protein. And with strong physical exertion, increased fatigue, stress, our body needs more protein and, more importantly, animal origin. Therefore, the pork heart is a great meal for those who experience overload.