Wooden shower for summer residence

With the onset of the first warm days, summer residents hurry to visit their suburban areas, prepare them for the new season, work their bodies and relax their soul. If the soul from the summer work gets a discharge, the body after a few hours of work on the ground and under the sun needs quite another. That's why the summer wooden shower for the dacha is a mandatory building.

Where else can you refresh yourself during the day, relieve fatigue, recharge with energy of water? Of course, you can build somewhere behind the house a wooden U-shaped structure of bars, place above it a barrel of water, and the entrance to it hang with a film or a coverlet. But such flimsy summer souls are already considered a relic of the Soviet past. Modern summer residents to this indispensable, small and light structure put forward demands much more seriously. What kind of wooden dacha shower should be in order to avoid any claims?

Advantages of a wooden shower

The fact that the toilet and the wooden shower for the dacha are not a luxury, but a necessity, there is no doubt. But what parameters and characteristics should this simple structure have? First, the shower should work so that you can refresh yourself at any time of the day. The obsolete model with the tank, which we examined above, is not suitable for this purpose. Just imagine: in the morning you filled the barrel with cold water, went into the garden or the garden, and the sun did not deign to leave the whole day because of the clouds.

In the evening, you finish the work, go into the shower, and when you open the tap on you, a stream of cold water falls! Agree, a pleasant little. If your new summer shower made of wood is equipped with autonomous heating of water that does not depend on the weather, such troubles do not threaten you.

The second parameter, which is not less important, is the capacity of the tank. If the shower is used by one person, then a fifty-liter will be enough. Big family? Then you should buy a tank of higher capacity. For example, for a family of 4-5 people you need a two-hundred-ton tank. And worry about the fact that the water does not heat up due to lack of sun, it is not necessary, because there is a heating element. By the way, the tank itself can be metal or plastic. In metal water it heats up more quickly, the heat keeps longer. But the drawbacks of such a material are available, because corrosion has not been canceled. Plastic bottles of this lack are deprived. They will serve you for many years. In addition, plastic tanks are much cheaper.

And now let's talk about what surrounds us in the wooden summer soul. This, of course, the walls. In the antediluvian souls with oilcloth they simply do not exist. And in modern constructions the walls are closed, opaque, rigid. If the shower is located in such a place that outsiders can not see anything, it makes sense to replace the wooden walls with polycarbonate. Firstly, it is cheaper, and, secondly, translucent polycarbonate will save money, because it is not necessary to conduct electricity for lighting the shower.

Additional Amenities

Heated tank, the presence of reliable walls - it's excellent, but under your feet should be such a cover that you feel comfortable. The best option is a wooden grille. Its advantages are obvious, because wood is an eco-friendly and non-slip material.

Take care that in the summer shower there are hooks for clothes. This little thing will help keep your things dry and clean. If in the summer you work on the site before sunset, worry about the lighting inside the summer shower.

As you can see, a wooden country shower is a simple device. But if you are not sure that you can build it yourself, entrust the matter to specialists. In addition, you can purchase ready-made showers, made by craftsmen.