Triovit with mastopathy

Today, mastopathy can be called one of the most common diseases. The most unpleasant thing is that with mastopathy , breast cancer can develop. But it will happen if the disease is not treated. One of the methods to combat it - vitamins Triovit for women.

Triovit with mastopathy

Mastopathy is a disease in which the tissues of the mammary gland grow, which causes seals in the chest. Often, mastopathy causes a woman's pain and secretion disorders. Doctors say, with this disease in the body is usually not enough vitamins A, E and C. Just these elements and are part of the vitamins Triovit.

Advantages of triovite:

  1. With mastopathy Triovit vitamins will strengthen the patient's immunity and help her to fight the disease on her own.
  2. Strengthen the use of essential medicines and at the same time reduce side effects from them.
  3. Improve the work of the liver, normalize the exchange of hormones.
  4. Stabilize the nervous system and protect against stress.
  5. In the preparation there is no sugar, so it can be taken by patients with diabetes mellitus.

With mastopathy, Triovit vitamins are an important supplement to essential medicines.

Vitamins Triovit - instruction

In addition to the fact that doctors often advise Triovit against mastopathy, there is still a number of indications for its use.

Doctors do not advise taking Triovit for children under 15 years of age. In addition, the drug is contraindicated in those who have hypervitaminosis A and E.