Postcoital cystitis

Among the general masses of the population there is a widespread opinion that the cause of cystitis is inflammation of the bladder , this is a banal hypothermia. However, freezing serves only as a trigger for exacerbation of the disease, the true cause of cystitis is an infection that enters the bladder. Often the disease is an unpleasant consequence of an active sexual life. In this case, we are talking about postcoital cystitis.

Postcoital cystitis

Cystitis, which occurs immediately or a few days after intercourse, is called postcoital, most often occurs in women, due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure.

The causes of the appearance of cystitis after sex are several:

Postcoital cystitis - symptoms and treatment

Characteristic symptoms of postcoital cystitis are no different from other types of disease, it is:

The main principle of treatment of postcoital cystitis is the use of antibiotics as medicines, as well as the restoration of normal vaginal microflora. If the cause of cystitis is a pathology in the structure of the genitourinary system, surgical intervention is used to adjust the position of the urethra.

Postcoital cystitis - prevention

In view of the fact that sexual relations are an integral part of the life of a modern woman, the problem of cystitis after sex requires special attention.

To prevent the emergence of postcoital cystitis, it is necessary to determine the exact cause of its appearance, and starting from it to carry out preventive measures. General recommendations are approximately the following: