Vitamins with menopause

Completion of the reproductive period in the life of a woman, called the climax, is manifested not just a cessation of the monthly, but also a whole bouquet of new sensations, most of them not very pleasant. Psychological and physiological instability, caused by hormonal restructuring in the body of a woman, can bother more than one year. Sometimes the transition to menopause from the fertile period can last 5-8 years. Therefore, for any woman at this stage, worthy support from both close people and drugs aimed at stabilizing the well-being is important.

The extinction of ovarian functions leads to a decrease in metabolic processes, which is fraught with obesity, early aging, the development of diseases such as osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, tumorous neoplasms, etc. The intake of vitamins and dietary supplements in menopause can significantly reduce the risks of the emergence of dangerous ailments and restore mental balance.

What vitamins to take with menopause?

In case of serious manifestations of climacteric syndrome, in addition to vitamin therapy, a gynecologist can recommend appropriate medication, mainly hormonal plan. However, in the situation of its light forms, vitamins can provide effective support to the body of a woman without the help of hormones.

For women with menopause, it is especially desirable to take such vitamins as:

The intake of vitamins can help with tides, making them more rare and reducing the intensity of their manifestations.

Supplements and vitamin complexes for women with menopause

There are vitamin preparations recommended for use in women with menopause. They contain the above mentioned vitamins with minerals and are designed taking into account the needs of the female body during this period. Among these complexes can be called "Menopace" and "Formula Women." Due to the content in their composition of small doses of vitamins, they gently regulate hormonal balance, carbohydrate and fat metabolism and fight with manifestations of menopause: sweating, insomnia, irritation, depression, palpitations. Such complexes can additionally contain, in addition, digestive enzymes and beneficial microorganisms, which has a beneficial effect on digestion processes.

To date, pharmaceutical companies offer a large range of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, designed specifically to support women with menopausal syndrome. When choosing it is better to give preference to natural, rather than synthetic drugs.

It is also important to remember that the sources of vitamins are fruits, vegetables and cereals. Proper dietary intake, moderate exercise in combination with the intake of additional vitamins will help cope with menopausal syndrome without loss.