How to cook a mannik in the oven?

Are you looking for a simple, quick and delicious dessert for tea? Cook the quick-witted manic in the oven, and success is guaranteed to you.

An unchanging linkage of manna is semolina, which in a company with different dairy products in each recipe manifests itself in a new way. Mannick can be cooked with the addition of flour, and without it, getting again different taste qualities of dessert.

Mannick can be served simply as a pie, sprinkled with powdered sugar, or cut in half and smeared with jam or more exquisite cream, thus obtaining a homemade cake.

How to bake a mannik in an oven on kefir - a recipe?



When preparing mannik, pour semolina with kefir at room temperature and leave for one hour. When the time allotted for the manga is nearing its end, rub the softened butter with sugar, then drive the eggs and whip until smooth. Now shift the dough, which has been swollen in kefir, and mix it well and mix small amounts of flour sifted through a strainer mixed with baking powder and salt. If desired, you can add a little vanilla for flavor in the dough.

Now we put the ready dough for the mannik in an oiled butter and place it on the middle level heated up to 185 degrees of the oven beforehand. After about forty minutes, the mannik will blush. But the readiness is still better for checking the accuracy of the toothpick and, if necessary, extend the cooking time.

How to cook a mannik in an oven on sour cream?



In a deep bowl, mix semolina, sour cream and granulated sugar, then add a little whipped eggs, mix thoroughly and leave for an hour to swell. After the time has passed, add the soda and mix it thoroughly. Now we oil the baking dish with butter, put the cooked dough into it and place it on the middle level of the heated oven. The temperature regime for cooking manna on sour cream is set at 190 degrees, and the cooking time is thirty minutes. During the baking process, the oven is not opened, but after the time has elapsed, we check the readiness of the toothpick and, if necessary, turn on the oven for another ten minutes.

How to cook a delicious manicum in the oven on milk with cottage cheese - a recipe?



Soak semolina in slightly warmed milk and leave for twenty or thirty minutes. Then add a little whipped eggs in a separate sugar cane container, sifted and mixed with a baking powder and vanilla sugar flour, grated cottage cheese and mix everything well until a smooth and smooth dough is obtained. Now put it in a pre-oiled form and put in a preheated to 185 degrees oven. After about thirty minutes, a delicious and gentle manicure will be ready. After cooling, we shift it to a dish and rub it with sugar powder.