Eclairs - recipe

If you want to surprise your guests with something and prepare an unusual dessert, we recommend you make eclairs. Filled with a variety of fillings, they are incredibly delicious and incredibly delicate! So, let's review with you some recipes of the cake "Eclair".

Recipe for eclairs with condensed milk


For filling:

For fondant:


In the pot, pour water, throw salt and put a piece of butter. We bring everything to the boil and gradually pour in the flour, stirring constantly. After 3 minutes carefully remove the dishes from the plate and cool a bit. After that, we introduce one egg each and lightly beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained. We cover the pan with a sheet of parchment, cover it with oil and spread the dough, using a confectionery bag or a usual dessert spoon. Oven pre-ignite and heat up to 180 degrees. We send the baking sheet into the cabinet and bake the billets for 30 minutes. Wasting no time in vain, we prepare the filling: boiled condensed milk is mixed with a light raisin and throws the ground walnuts. Each cake is carefully cut and filled with the prepared mass. For fondness, we put sour cream in a jug, throw cocoa, sugar powder and heat it on a weak fire. At the very end, put a piece of butter and mix. Ready mixture poured into a bag, make a small hole at the end and water our eclairs.

The recipe for custard eclairs



In a deep container, we combine salt with margarine and pour in cold water. We put the dishes on a weak fire, heat and boil. After that, remove from the plate and pour in small amounts of flour. Again, send the dough to the fire and mix until a homogeneous viscous mass is obtained. After that, we cool it, lightly beat it and set it aside. On the baking sheet, spread the paper, oiled, and using a confectionery syringe, squeeze out a little dough, forming eclairs. We send the cakes to the preheated oven and bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Then reduce it to a minimum and dry the eclairs for another 15 minutes. We check the readiness with a toothpick, and then fill them with any stuffing to your taste.

Recipe for eclairs with custard


For custard:


In a saucepan pour cold water, put the butter there, throw the salt and bring to a boil over medium heat. Then pour the pieces of flour and mix until it is completely dissolved. After 5 minutes, the mass begins to darken a bit and immediately remove it from the plate. Slightly cool the dough, we introduce eggs and stir well. We transfer it to a confectioner's bag and squeeze out small balls on a baking sheet covered with parchment. We send the workpieces to the oven, preheated to a temperature of 200 degrees. Bake cakes for 20 minutes, and then take out and leave to cool.

To prepare the cream yolks we rub with sugar and in a separate bowl we boil the milk. Then pour the egg mass into it and mix it. Do not remove the dishes from the fire, introduce sifted flour and boil everything until thick. After that, remove the cream and pour in a little cold milk. Cool it, and then stuff each eclair using a pastry bag.