Tar soap for face

You must have heard of such an ancient cosmetic means, like tar soap. Of course, against the background of the modern richest assortment of creams, serums, masks, tonics and foams, the use of ordinary soap may seem ridiculous. But you can not underestimate the benefits of tar soap for the face. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers chose this tool not by chance. Soap has a lot of useful properties, which we'll talk about below.

The use of tar soap for the face

A real birch tar is a very useful substance, ten percent of which is enough to make tar soap could be considered an excellent cosmetology tool. The main advantages of soap, made on the basis of natural tar, can be said for a very long time, but we will dwell only on its basic properties useful for the skin of the face:

  1. First, of course, you need to remember the drying and anti-inflammatory properties of tar soap for the face. Due to this, the agent can effectively save from hated pimples and restore problem areas of the facial skin.
  2. Secondly, tar soap can be considered an effective antifungal agent. Using it, you can quickly get rid of itching, seborrhea, depriving. A peeling effect will clean and improve the skin.
  3. Face washing with tar soap makes it possible to improve blood circulation. After a few procedures, the first results can be noticed: the scratches and scratches heal much faster than usual.

Among other things, we must not forget that tar soap is a 100% natural remedy in which there are no harmful allergic components.

Apply tar soap for the face

People who previously used tar soap, advised to use it at night. So from the means you can get the most benefit, without experiencing any discomfort from the drying effect.

It is not recommended to use tar soap for the face too often. If you need to get rid of acne, apply soap once a day. Tar soap is also used for preventive purposes, in this case it is enough to carry out the procedure of washing every two to three days.

Here are the main secrets of applying tar tar soap for the face:

  1. Tar soap is an excellent remedy against black points . You can use it as a mask, which you need to keep no longer than ten minutes. To wash off soap it is necessary at first warm, and then cool water. After the procedure, apply a moisturizer.
  2. It is best to wash your face with tar soap. Hands moisten with warm water and rub a little bar of soap. The resulting foam should be massaged face. A second of thirty will be quite enough, after which the foam should be washed off with a lot of cold water. This is an excellent preventive procedure that will help to keep youth and freshness of the skin.
  3. Cosmetologists also recommend washing the face with tar soap when acne occurs . To apply soap it is possible and on congestions - so-called nests - pryshchikov, and it is dot. In the latter case soap should be applied and held on the face for a quarter of an hour. With the nests, where the skin is drier than usual, you can cope by massaging the problem areas for a minute and a half. Otherwise, there will be ecdysis.
  4. Another tip in the fight against acne: a piece of soap to apply at night to the problem site. By the morning, inflammation should go almost completely.

It is important to remember that after applying face masks from tar soap, the skin must be moistened with a light nutritious cream. Do this procedure, no matter how long the soap was on the skin.