Vitamins in the cherry for pregnant women

In such a berry, as cherry, contains many vitamins and nutrients, which for pregnant women, sometimes, are very necessary. That's why many doctors advise whenever possible to eat it during the bearing of the baby. Let's consider in more detail the composition of the sweet cherry, and try to find out what this berry is useful for expectant mothers and fetuses.

Is cherry useful to pregnant women?

The first thing to note is the low caloric value of this fruit - 50 Kcal per 100 g. This is important for expectant mothers who are very careful to follow the weight gain.

However, the greatest value of sweet cherry lies in its composition. If we talk specifically about the vitamins that are in the cherry, are especially important for pregnant women, it is first of all necessary to call: B1, B3, B6, K, E, PP.

Also it should be said that this berry is also not poor on minerals, among which are calcium, potassium, iodine, copper, magnesium, iron, manganese.

What effect does the sweet cherry have on the body during gestation?

Having dealt with what vitamins are contained in cherries, let us name what it is useful for pregnant women.

First of all, vitamins of group B - positively influence the work of the nervous system of the future mother. Included in the composition of calcium is the construction of the baby's skeleton, and iron helps to avoid the development of oxygen deficiency.

Potassium contributes to the improvement of the heart, the load on which increases when the baby is born, in view of the increase in the volume of circulating blood.

Separately, it is necessary to say about what can be useful cherry during pregnancy. So, a few eaten berries can get rid of manifestations of toxicosis at small terms. Dried cherry berries have a fixing effect, which can be used in the development of diarrhea.

Juice from the sweet cherry is often used as an expectorant for various colds.