How does miscarriage occur in the early stages?

As is known, such a phenomenon as spontaneous miscarriage, at the very beginning of pregnancy occurs often. In most cases, this is observed on very short terms - 2-3 weeks. That's why often a woman still does not have time to learn that she was pregnant, and the resulting bloody discharge takes for untimely menstrual discharge. Let's take a closer look at this violation so that every girl imagines how the miscarriage occurs at an early stage and by what signs it can be determined.

How does spontaneous abortion occur?

By this term in obstetrics, it is customary to understand the process in which an independent sudden abortion occurs, accompanied by the ejection of the fetus from the uterine cavity. This complication of pregnancy can occur up to 20 weeks of pregnancy. After this period, it is called stillbirth.

If we talk directly about how a miscarriage occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, it should be noted that the process itself has several stages.

So in most cases, everything starts with the appearance of pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Over time, their intensity increases and often they acquire a sharp, paroxysmal character. However, the woman observes the appearance of blood from the vagina. This stage in obstetrics is called the threat of termination of pregnancy, tk. when a woman is currently seeking help, there is a high probability that miscarriage can be prevented. At this stage, the uterus remains closed.

The next stage is inevitable or, as it is also called, irreversible miscarriage, characterized by such a phenomenon as detachment of the placenta. As a result, the fetus begins to experience oxygen starvation. At this stage, miscarriage can not be stopped.

With incomplete miscarriage, doctors note the final detachment of the placenta from the walls of the uterus. In this case, the deceased fetus remains inside the uterus. It is from this time that its gradual separation from the uterine cavity begins.

Only after the dead fruit, together with the afterbirth, completely leaves the uterus, is the next stage - a complete miscarriage. As a rule, after this, doctors carefully examine the uterine cavity and, if necessary, remove tissue debris.

How to understand that there was a miscarriage?

The above described stages of spontaneous abortion can not always be observed by a woman. As a rule, on very short terms, only some symptoms are noted, according to which some pregnant women may not even realize that the pregnancy was interrupted.

How the symptoms of such a process, which causes a miscarriage at an early age, look like this:

  1. Appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina. In most cases, at the beginning of the process, they are unprincipled.
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen. The pain can be either drawing, aching, or acute. In this case, almost always it arises attacks, which is due to the onset of contractile movements of the uterine myometrium itself. It can be localized, both on the left and on the right, in the lower back, the perineum, the area of ​​the anal opening. If you have this symptomatology, you should immediately call your doctor.

Thus, it must be said that every pregnant woman should know how spontaneous abortion takes place at an early age, so that at the first signs of it, seek medical help. After all, it is often enough to keep a pregnancy with timely therapeutic measures. Therefore, a lot depends on the future mother.