Yellow spots on lemon leaves

Lemon tree is equally often grown both in apartment conditions and in winter gardens. Growing it is relatively simple, but the most common pests and diseases affect citrus fruits often. Do not panic if suddenly the leaves of the lemon turn yellow, there are only a few reasons and you can recognize each one after reading the information below.

Why are the yellow spots on the leaves of the lemon?

In fact, there are two possible options for the development of events: either you have "uninvited guests", or the plant has picked up a bacterial or fungal disease. Next, touch each of them:

  1. The Shield is very fond of living on plants in indoor and outdoor conditions. Why is the scabbard dangerous for lemon? The fact is that this parasite is perfectly camouflaged and resembles small scales that cover a certain area of ​​the leaf. In the case of a lemon, this yellow plate, it feeds on the leaf, but often goes to the fruit and branch. As a result, yellow spots on the plate gradually grow, and the leaves of the lemon are covered with a "shell", then fall off.
  2. When the spots on the lemon leaves are more like small dots, they are ticks. On a lemon most often there are cobweb, citrus red and Yuma mite. Look at the reverse side of the sheet and arm yourself with a magnifying glass: there you will see a thin fine spider web.
  3. The spots on the leaves of lemon, which appeared as a result of a fungal disease, may differ somewhat in nature. If it is citrus cancer, the spots will be circular and throughout the plant from leaf to fruit. There is a so-called crust of citrus fruits . Spots abruptly arise, and sharply pass into the stage of scabs. Yellowish-brown spots, similar to fatty traces, is another of the fungal lesions.
  4. There are cases when yellow spots literally immediately cover the entire area on the leaves of lemon, and they almost immediately fall off. Typically, such problems occur where the soil was poorly treated before planting the plant. If you do not prepare the soil properly, it will leave a soil fungus, and then you will be provided with late blight. Almost always this is a variety with a weak and susceptible root system.
  5. Carefully consider lemon leaves, if they have spots without clear boundaries and the size of each is different, we are dealing with a shortage of food. The outer edges of the leaf are stained with a lack of magnesium. But the yellowness between the veins on the leaf plate speaks of the deficiency of zinc.
  6. And finally, the simplest cause of yellowing on the sheets is the usual supercooling of the lemon. Many varieties differ in good resistance to cold, but they can react to a decrease in temperature in this way. Moreover, the fruit of the plant will be covered with spots.

What if there are yellow spots on the leaves of the lemon?

We have already learned to recognize the nature of yellow spots and the most probable cause of their appearance on lemon leaves, then proceed to the question of what to do about it. In the fight against shielding, your associates will be soap or dishwashing detergent, as well as fungicides. First, we literally launder each leaf from the crusts, then we process it with the drug.

With ticks such a number does not work, because to fungicides even a broad action they are not sensitive. It is better to use spraying with mineral oil or sulfur. But with a fungus fungicide will cope, you just need to find a drug on a copper basis.

When the cause of spots is covered in the soil, it should be replaced. Be sure to prune all the affected parts of the horse system, then transplant into a new clean soil and intensively fertilize, in order to restore the lack of nutrition.