Cause of bad smell from the mouth

The cause of halitosis, bad smell from the mouth, often becomes the use of poor-quality toothpaste, brushes or lack of hygiene. However, often stale breathing is regularly felt in the morning and is associated with more serious problems. Let's try to understand why in the morning there is a bad smell from the mouth.

Dental causes of stale breathing

The most common causes of an unpleasant odor are oral problems:

  1. Caries , periodontitis, gingivitis.
  2. Another reason why there is a bad smell from the mouth, a disease of the tongue.
  3. An unpleasant odor may appear due to the installation of orthopedic structures.
  4. A similar problem is caused by stomatitis.
  5. Diseases of salivary glands, leading to inadequate production and thickening of saliva.
  6. Smoking is a common cause of chronic dental diseases and is thus a provocateur of stale breath.

All these problems lead to cavities in the teeth and gums, bare teeth and accumulation of plaque. This is a fertile environment for the life of pathogenic microorganisms, which provide an unpleasant odor.

When to the unpleasant odor lead to diseases of internal organs?

  1. Diseases of the digestive tract. With gastritis, duodenitis and reflux, heartburn and eructation are often present, as a result of throwing semi-digested food back into the esophagus. Naturally, this process is accompanied by an unpleasant aroma of semi-digested food.
  2. The smell of rotten eggs can be recognized in the breath of a person suffering from pathologies of the liver or bile ducts.
  3. Tonsillitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis lead to the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria in the upper respiratory tract and the appearance of a stale putrefactive odor.
  4. Among the causes of bad smell from the mouth of an adult is renal failure . In this case, there is a pronounced aroma of ammonia.
  5. The cause of bad smell from the mouth in the morning becomes and diabetes, which is often accompanied by the aroma of acetone from the mouth.

Of course, this is not all the pathologies leading to to stale breath. You can identify a risk group, which includes people with the following problems: