Alycha - varieties

Every summer resident knows about the benefits and variety of taste of different varieties of cherry plum. We gladly eat it fresh, prepare compotes and jams for the winter, make sauces . If you just plan to plant the first trees on your site and can not decide on the grade, this article will help you with the choice.

Description of varieties of plumbers

In this article, we'll look at the most popular and proven varieties that have been growing gardeners for years.

  1. "Comet" . A variety of alycha "Kometa" is known to every summer resident with experience. A huge love for him is due to excellent winter hardiness qualities: even in the severest frosts in almost a hundred percent the tree survives and gives an excellent harvest in the summer. The main rules of quality care for this rubbish are timely pruning and top dressing. Fruits reach 40 grams in weight, have a round shape and a characteristic tint between burgundy and purple. Flesh is rich in yellow, sweet with a little sourness.
  2. "Gold of the Scythians" . If you prefer varieties of yellow cherry plum, pay attention to the "Gold of the Scythians". It is this variety that is most loved by children for juicy and rather dense pulp, sweet taste and bright yellow color of the skin.
  3. The Tsar's . Another popular variety of cherry plums "Tsarskaya". It is considered to be classic among varieties of yellow plum, as it has a traditional sweet taste with a barely noticeable sourness and very pleasant aroma. The fruits are quite large and can be consumed in any form.
  4. "The General" . Those who prefer the varieties of large-fruited cherry plums will necessarily like the "General". This variety grows exclusively in warm regions with mild winters. The weight of the fruit can reach as much as 60 g, the flesh is always juicy and dense. The taste is usually very sweet, but the sour is present. Very important characteristics and distinctive features of the "General" among the other large-fruited varieties of plum are frost resistance and excellent resistance to various kinds of rot.

It is worth remembering that even the best varieties of cherry plum require quality care. In addition, consider the subjectivity of opinion: always choose two or three varieties, because no description will give you a real impression of a particular variety. The experienced summer residents recommend to select varieties of a cherry plum according to several criteria: