What is soborozhdenie and why should I be shy?

Unfortunately, but many questions of religion for modern people are secrets. For example, a popular topic is that which relates to what is soborovanie and why it should be soboratsya. Many are convinced that such a sacrament is performed only with people who are on the verge of death, but this is not so, so it is worthwhile to understand this topic in detail.

Why do we need soborovanie?

Sobor is also called anointing, from oil to oil. This church ordinance is usually held by several clergy "cathedral", hence the name of the ritual. In the temples they spend their sabbathing on certain days, but the priest can also come home when the person is very sick and can not come to the temple himself.

Finding out why it is necessary to be confused, it is worth saying that this sacrament calls grace on a man, helping him remember his sins and receive forgiveness. Since sins cause various illnesses in people, after the ritual, a complete recovery is often observed. Inviting the priest home to perform the ritual before the dying person, the relatives perform a good cause, as they facilitate the fate of the soul in eternal life. To call a blessing on believers, the priest spends anointing the body with oil.

Many are interested in whether to confess before the sobor, so if there is an opportunity, it is better to tell about your sins in advance, but if not, then participate in the sacrament without confession the day before, is not prohibited. Many patients during the sobor are remembering sins that were long forgotten, but they tormented them on the subconscious.

What else do you need to know about the Sacramentary Sacrament?

It will be interesting to know exactly how the soborhood is going on. If the sacrament is performed in a large temple, then there are seven priests participating in it. It should be said that if the ceremony is conducted by two or one priest, then this is not a violation.

Everything begins with the reading of the prayers , and then the canon comes, which ends with the remission of sins. The deacon pronounces a litany with the mention of all the people who are at this moment in the temple. The next stage is the consecration of the oil, and then, the anointing is performed. Each priest must necessarily anoint every parishioner. The ceremony is held seven times, and then, the priest puts the Gospel on the heads of believers and reads the last prayer. Gathering people at the end receive oil, wine and rice. The first to anoint the sore spots, and the food is added to the food.