Signs of damage to death

Corruption to death is the strongest kind of negative magical effect, during which the magician brings to the person a program designed to bring him to death. Within this, serious illnesses, chronic failures, thoughts of suicide can arise. And, medicine will be powerless. It is not every magician who agrees to impose such damage, but if a newcomer undertakes, it is likely that his measures will turn against him. We will consider how to determine the damage to death.

The first symptoms of spoilage to death

At the initial stages, the signs of spoilage to death do not differ from other types of spoilage. Let's consider a number of the very first of them:

  1. A person suffers from insomnia, often sees nightmares, his sleep becomes restless and troubling.
  2. Close people for no reason begin to treat such a person worse, shun him.
  3. The state of health worsened, the joy and pleasure of life disappeared.
  4. There are diseases that can not be explained and diagnosed.
  5. Bad forebodings, bad mood, anxiety all the time.
  6. Pets can start to behave unusually (either avoid, or at first stretch, and then escape).
  7. The difficulties that have arisen from nowhere in all spheres of life.

Of course, these signs may indicate the presence of energy in general. But knowing how to recognize damage to death, you must pay attention to the first symptoms that will allow you to react quickly to this problem.

How does corruption deteriorate?

Consider how damage to death occurs. If you have such symptoms, you can be almost sure that you have been attacked by an energy attack.

  1. The collapse of all plans and ideas, total bad luck.
  2. Sharp deterioration of health, especially female / male.
  3. Negative towards himself, apathy .
  4. Feeling of coldness in the abdomen or heaviness in the chest and shoulders.
  5. The nativity cross is lost, in the church it becomes bad, holy water burns, and attempts to get to a professional magician turn into a failure (you are a puppet of spoilage).
  6. There is a desire to die, depression.
  7. There are pigmented spots on the skin.
  8. Appear auditory hallucinations.
  9. There are sudden phobias (aerophobia, claustrophobia, etc.).
  10. There is a fear of any people, total distrust.

Often, those who have encountered manifestations of corruption, first think that this is just a black band. It is important to recognize the signs in time and contact a specialist.