How do you know that you have been jinxed?

Almost everyone in life had such feelings when everything hurts and no pills help. If such conditions develop after you, dressed "in the best of all at once," went to the local grandmothers, who sit from morning till night in front of each entrance, then you can definitely say that you have been jinxed. There are many manifestations of the evil eye and methods of its determination.

You can jinx health, good luck, excellent business, etc. Sometimes envious people will specially jinx, whispering different conspiracies , or it happens spontaneously and not even from evil, just someone said the right words at the right time and they "worked". You, even if you do not want to, can jinx yourself or your loved ones.

When suddenly the head begins to spin and "the ground goes from under the feet," but at the same time normal blood pressure, there is no rise in temperature, the thought immediately comes: "How do you know if you have not jinxed you?"

To identify the evil eye, it is necessary to break the egg into a clear, non-faceted glass with water above the patient's head. The egg is better to use fresh, just bought (from your hen house it is impossible). If the protein strands will rise above the water with bubbles - this means the evil eye, the absence of bubbles - this is a good sign.

How do you know if someone has jinxed you?

Signs of the evil eye - this is an incomprehensible internal state, as if restless in the soul. A person experiences weakness, malaise, trembling in the body, sometimes there is nausea and vomiting. Manifestations of this state begin spontaneously and only after walks. That is, the evil eye can not manifest itself, if you sat at home all day, except for the self-illusion - when you praised yourself in front of a mirror.

How do you know if you have jinxed a child?

Signs of the maleficent of the kid are unreasonable anxiety and marked tearfulness. If visitors came to you (even native people) and played with the baby, and then the child began to be capricious, do not go to bed, then you should wash him from the evil eye (the mother must wipe the baby with the wrong side of the hem of the nightgown).