Full Moon Rituals

It is generally believed that it is the full moon that is the most favorable time for carrying out various magical activities related to getting rid of the oppressive, unnecessary, disturbing. Rituals on the full moon allow you to drive away penniless or problems, and attract what you want.

Full moon: a ritual for money

Fill the cup with water until the middle, put a silver coin in it. Put it on the windowsill so that the light of the moon gets on it, or the moon itself reflected in it. Draw your hands over the water as if you collect silver from the surface, and say the plot:

"The Beautiful Mistress of the Moon!" Bring me wealth, fill my hands with silver and gold. I can take everything you give! " After that, put the coin in the purse and always carry it with you. Water should be poured on the street in the ground (not on asphalt!)

Rituals and conspiracy to release at the full moon

Think and write on the leaflet three things that you want to get rid of. It can be a habit, a disease, a trait of character, a memory. Paper doubt and burn, throwing into the fire. If you can not build a fire, make a small fire of paper in a metal plate. Look at how your problems turned to ash, mentally say: "As the paper disappeared into the flames of fire, so my problems disappeared in time. I am free."

Ashes should be thrown away - better away from home, but you can just put it in the toilet.

Money ritual for fast money on a full moon

Buy a large red candle, two smaller ones - yellow and green, a church candle, an aromatic stick with cinnamon, jasmine oil and a sheet of brown paper.

Light a red candle and an aromatic wand. Church candle oil the jasmine and draw on it a money sign, next to writing "fast money." On paper write the exact amount you want to receive, do not overstate it, ask only what you need, greed will spoil everything. So, put the church candle in the middle, behind it - red, to the left of the red - green, to the right - yellow (they also need to be greased with jasmine oil). Light the candles and say 9 times: "Money goes into my hands. Give me good luck, give me freedom, give me the opportunity. I thank fate for help. How these candles will burn, so will my financial difficulties burn . " Burn the leaf on the church candle, scatter ash on the street, and let the candles burn until it runs out.

Magic rituals on the full moon are very good. It is important to believe that they will help, and then magic will reveal to you its greatness.