Conspiracy to get pregnant

Unfortunately, many girls face the problem of conception of a child. This may be related to health, ecology, heredity, etc. Since ancient times, women have used various conspiracies and prayers to become pregnant. It is important to observe the sacrament, that is, not to tell anyone about attracting magic. In addition, it is important to believe in a positive result.

An ancient conspiracy to get pregnant

An ancient ceremony will not only conceive a child, but also help during childbirth. An important rule - a conspiracy can not be read by yourself. Best if it's a blood relative. A girl who wants to get pregnant must be barefoot, clothed only in a nightgown and with fluffy hair. She needs to put one leg in the water basin and leave the other on the floor. A relative over her should say such a conspiracy three times:

"There will be a slave servant of God (name) in the morning under the dawn of the early, foot into the bathtub. Call the servant of God (name) strong power, light, good good. Give her, bright power, little child, strong child, intelligent child. Let in forty fast weeks the child shout loudly, in 40 weeks, in 9 months. Let young (name) with small lips join the breast, lips sweet. Not touching the small thing no dashing, will not touch the weight of birth, circumvent the misfortune of a slave (name). The husband of the child will take it, the name will be given to him by the worldly. As the hair on the head grows rapidly, so the child will grow miraculously. As the slave's leg is strong, so is my word firmly. Thicker than stone, sulfur is viscous, glue is stucco, knife is sharp, What's planned, then it will all come to pass. "

After this, the girl must stand in the pelvis with both feet and say three times:

"I believe faith, I think the words, I wish the child."

Now she needs her shirt clockwise first to wipe her face, then her chest and stomach.

Plot before bed to get pregnant on the mirror

Getting to the rite is on the growing moon and best of all, if it's a day when the month will be even more subtle. Take a large mirror and set it so that it catches the light of the moon. Stand in front of him and, looking at the moonlight, say such a conspiracy:

"How a young month was born, So the fruit to me (your name) was attached. A month will come, A child in the womb will grow. Amen".

Words repeat as many times as you want. Look at your reflection and imagine yourself with a big round tummy. Immediately after this, go to bed with your lover.

A Strong Conspiracy to Get Pregnant

This ancient ritual is considered very effective. It is necessary for him to prepare a long string (rope) made of natural material, for example, from linen or cotton. Another important condition - it should be red. On the first lunar day, tie a knot and say these words:

"The knot tightened firmly to the nodule, knotted the knots, the fetus in the uterus conceived. Red knots yes are strong, дитяко it is healthy and reddened! Tie - do not untie. Lord, bless, Prisnadeva, help! Amen!"

Put the thread in a secret place so that no one sees it. You can not tell anyone about the use of magic. Daily it will be necessary to repeat the ritual with knotting the knot until the thread is exactly 40. When the conditions of the rite are fulfilled, the thread with 40 knots should be put on the highest place in the house. When conception occurs, bury the thread near the house.

Conspiracy to quickly get pregnant

Since ancient times people with the problem of conception have turned to the Higher Powers for help. The ritual is performed in several stages. It is necessary to start it on a young month. Stand in front of the mirror in such a way that the stomach is clearly visible. While stroking it clockwise, say such a conspiracy:

"O Lord God!

How did you give people the moon and the sun

Light clouds and clear stars

Clear sky and mother earth

So give me also, servant of God (name),

To bear and give birth to a child.

Just as the moon was young in the sky,

So it would be in my belly my baby.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Before you go to sleep in a small container, type honey and say the following words over it:

"The sweeter is the honey, so let the fetus grow in the belly, it grows healthier."

A spoonful of honey should be eaten not only by a woman who wants to become pregnant, but also by a man.

The next day, go to church and buy a medium-sized candle and the icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy." When the sun goes down, and it's dark, put the candle in front of you and the right. After this, say the prayer:

"Mother Mother of God, Mother of God, Mother of God, the Myrrh-bearer, go out from heavenly doors, strengthen the servant of God (name), reward spiritual, heavenly incarnate. Amen".

Put out the candle with the fingers of your right hand.