Ball for fitness

Fitball is a ball for health. The invention of Swiss doctors was once used only in hospitals to restore patients after operations, injuries, fractures, as well as in the treatment of professional athletes. After a while, the fitness ball moved to America, where it actually became a fitball. America, as you know, is a country of possibilities - and fitball has the opportunity to become a popular means for the beauty and health of a million people in the world.


The first exercise on the fitness ball is just to learn how to sit on it. It seems a trifle! However, after trying, many grab at their heads and regret the waste of money to purchase. Fitbol and strives to slip under you, and when you "saddle" it, you can start jumping, rolling, stretching and "rocking".

While you are just sitting on this basic inventory, all the muscles that are involved in maintaining balance are strained. And this is the whole small pelvis, the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, the press and back. That is, a lot.

On our body there are a lot of small muscles, which are almost impossible to pump by usual squats, jogging or jumping. For such a deep penetration to the smallest components of our body, a prolonged stress is required. So, you need to learn how to keep the position sitting on the ball for a long time.

Thanks to a sports ball for fitness, you train your heart muscle, genitourinary system, respiratory organs, metabolism and digestion. When it seems to you that you are sitting on the fitball in immobility, in fact, there is a constant mobile damping, and due to this minimal movement, you are no matter how normalize the motility of the intestines.

A rubber ball for fitness is actively used in training with pregnant women. As we have already said, fitball develops the muscles of the small pelvis, namely these muscles are involved in battles during childbirth, and in restoring the figure after the birth of the child. Due to fitball, you not only simplify and secure labor, but also speed up the process of returning to the old forms.

The fitness ball will help you develop a royal posture, create a muscular corset around the spine. Load from the spine will be removed, you will get rid of the pain, fatigue and distortion of the office worker.


And now we will practice! Demonstrate the benefits of a large fitness ball in improving the hips and buttocks.

  1. Squat - feet in parallel, legs on the width of the pelvis, crouching, bend your hands with the ball, straightening your legs, stretching your arms up with the ball.
  2. Do squats with the arms stretched with the ball forward.
  3. Squat, straightening his legs, stretching his arms with the ball diagonally. We work on both sides.
  4. We make a set of squats - 2 with a rise of hands up, 2 - forward, 4 - on a diagonal.
  5. Slopes aside with the ball in hand. We perform 8 - 16 times.
  6. Repeat the set with squats, adding at the end the slopes.
  7. We crouch, straightening our legs, pulling our arms up diagonally, and lifting our opposite leg in a bent form upwards. We perform 8 - 16 times.
  8. We repeat the set of squats with all the squats, slopes and the previous exercise.
  9. We perform classical squats with the ball in front of him.
  10. We make a step with the transition and the change of the rack from one side to the other, with a stop on each leg and a squat on one knee.
  11. We carry out three springs on each knee 4-8 times. Then increase the number of springs up to seven times.
  12. We lower the ball to the floor, put our hands on it, stretch the leg back upwards into the "swallow", bend and pull to the chest.
  13. We fixed the "swallow" and perform short, springy climbs with our foot.
  14. Put the foot on the ball, unbend and bend the leg forward - 8 - 16 times.
  15. We add squats on the stretching of the leg, hands stretch upwards.
  16. We perform the set: we crouch, we rise, we take a hand for the ball and perform the "swallow". From the "swallow" again we return to the squat. We repeat 8 - 16 times.
  17. We roll the ball on the floor forward, straightening and bending the leg.
  18. We roll the ball from side to side, performing rolls on the legs.
  19. We take the ball in hand and step with the transition, as in exercise.
  20. Next, we repeat everything from exercise 11 to the second, unworked leg.