How to write a review for an article?

Reviewing is a procedure that serves as a kind of filter for articles. It depends to a great extent on whether the article is printed or not. Therefore, before you understand how to write a review of an article, you need to familiarize yourself with some of its types:

  1. Essay. In fact, such a review is a description of the impression of a literary work.
  2. A publicistic or critical small article can also act as a review. Examples of such reviews can be seen in scientific journals, where topical public and literary problems are discussed. After reading them, you can understand how to write a review of an article from the magazine.
  3. Autoreview - represents the essence of the work by the author himself.
  4. An expanded annotation is the most common type of reviews for articles, which should be discussed in more detail.

How to write a review of a scientific article?

Since the review is inherently scientific and literary work, it must be formalized in accordance with certain rules. If you do not know how to correctly write a review for an article, please note that it should include the following information:

  1. The full title of the article, as well as information about the author (last name, first name, patronymic, position occupied).
  2. Brief description of the problem disclosed in the scientific article.
  3. How relevant is the problem to society.
  4. The main aspects that the author introduced into the article.
  5. Recommendations referenzata necessary for publication in a scientific publication.
  6. Data of the referee (name, surname, patronymic, position and place of work, academic degree).
  7. Signature and seal of the reviewer.

How to write a review of a scientific psychological article - an example

  1. Review of the article "Psychological aspects of education in school institutions" graduate student of the Department of Psychology of the Pedagogical University, Natalia Lapushkina.
  2. The article considers the main psychological aspects aimed at increasing the success of the learning ability of children and adolescents in school establishments, conducted a behavioral analysis of individual age groups.
  3. The urgency of the presented problem does not cause doubts, since at the present stage the level of education in schools leaves much to be desired, and in many respects it depends on the wrong interaction teachers with students.
  4. The author of the article carried out a deep work and gave recommendations on the normalization of the psychological climate in school institutions. A conclusion is drawn about the lack of psychological knowledge of teachers and the reluctance to find contact with students.
  5. The scientific article fully meets the requirements and can be recommended for publication in a scientific publication.
  6. FULL NAME. referenza, other personal data, seal and signature.