How to save a family budget - real tips

Who does not dream of having the desired amount of money in a family piggy-pig? How do you want, that the incomes exceed the expenses. Moreover, let and as much as possible with the mind try to dispose of the hard earned labor, and money is still as actively used for something. However hard it would seem, it's possible to save the family budget, the main thing is to listen to real advice, to have patience and, importantly, to acquire a desire.

How to learn how to properly save the family budget?

So, first of all, it is worthwhile to talk about what is called the planning of the family budget. It is necessary in order to correctly send the right amount of money to achieve its goals . In addition, with his help you can become financially independent person.

It is also important to add that thanks to planning it is possible to easily provide life comfort, wasting money only on the necessary and important.

  1. Recommendation number 1 . In order to save, you do not need to deprive yourself, and all family members, life pleasures. Make a list of rash and in most cases unnecessary purchases. Probably, every housewife will have what to include in it. It can, for example, impulsive purchases. Instead of spending money on it, they can be invested in caring for themselves, rest and even in gifts to relatives. The main rule that helps to understand what you can save a family budget is: "Learn to prioritize. Do not forget that you must save money. It is this deferred part of finance that will help create comfort in life. "
  2. Recommendation number 2 . It is possible that you have heard about the program, which should include the most accurate data about what you spent money on and when. Sure, it's good, but when you burden yourself with such trifles as how many pieces of onions were bought and eaten in a week, then, you see, this is a bit too much. The simplest variant: in the electronic variant we create the table. It will consist of columns "Expenses" and "Incomes". For example, it can be products, clothes, payment for the Internet, replenishment of mobile accounts and so on. The main thing is not to spend on filling such a table all your free time.
  3. Recommendation number 3. You need to start saving the family budget, as soon as you receive a salary. So, immediately postpone that part of the amount that should be aimed at creating personal capital. And spend the remaining money with peace of mind.
  4. Recommendation number 4 . How can the millionaires in the West manage to increase the existing capital? Yes, everything is quite simple. Tell me, do you know how much is the hour of your time? But it would not hurt. Know the price of money. Counting: for example, in a month you get 770 USD. Your standard work schedule is 176 hours. Total, the hour of life costs 4.4 USD. Spending 20% ​​of your income for nothing, you lose a whole week. Is it not insulting? That is, instead, it would be possible to go on vacation for a whole week.
  5. Recommendation number 5 . You do not need to save the family budget on food, because once you cut down on large expenses, you will feel the changes. In this case, it is worth analyzing the largest articles. This is not how many times a week you spent money to pay for a bus ride, and, for example, on what a round sum you walked last Friday at the club.

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