How to write an article in a newspaper?

Discussion of various issues, everyday problems and practical advice - newspapers and women's magazines are distinguished by an abundance of similar topics. The desire to convey your experience, help someone to survive grief, give effective advice can reveal in a person the ability to write interesting material for print. Today, let's talk about how to write an article in a newspaper or magazine, when you have something to share with people.

Interest Group

Speaking of how to write a good article, it is important to note that it is first necessary to determine the direction of work. What are you interesting in? Fashion and style, relationships, cooking, maternity, perhaps, politics or the economy of the country - choose the sphere that you will analyze in your material. When there is interest, that is excitement and the desire to learn more, tell and share information.

After you have decided on the direction, you need to choose a suitable topic. Learn what is popular with readers, which is interesting to people, which is often asked in various rubrics "question-answer". The topic should be relevant and interesting not only for you - that's how you can correctly write an article.

Getting Started

In order to quickly write a quality article, you have to somehow fill yourself, catch inspiration. The latter will come when you have enough material to work. Satisfy information, study everything that concerns the topic you choose. Once you have your own point of view on the issue, get to work. Begin with definitions, setting tasks or questions - depending on what you write about.

To write an article in a newspaper means to do a work consisting of three parts:

  1. Introduction. In the first part, you should have 3-4 introductory sentences, definitions and an explanation of the relevance of the issue in the article. Stick to your style of writing, given the wishes of the editor and stylist of the magazine / newspaper.
  2. Main part. It can consist of several sections. It is important to convey the main content, the essence of the problem under consideration.
  3. The final part. The third part may contain conclusions, specific advice on the topic, your thoughts and your own view of the problem. The main thing is for the reader to receive an answer to his question.

General instructions

Write sincerely, from the heart, state your thoughts. A non-standard approach and your genuine interest guarantee you success.