Trigger - what is it in psychology and how to effectively use triggers in business?

For successful business, it is important not only to have certain knowledge and skills in your field, but also be able to apply proven methods of psychology. One of them can be called psychological triggers. We suggest to understand, the trigger - what it is and how it should be applied.

What does the trigger mean?

Psychology of influence speaks about what it means to trigger. By this term we mean the totality of certain methods of controlling the audience. From English it means "trigger". In other words, everything that triggers a person to a certain action is called a trigger. Such techniques can influence a person at a subconscious level and make them perform the desired actions. The trigger in business is especially effective. It can be filling in the registration form, making payments, making a call and so on.

Trigger in Psychology

Experts say that the trigger in psychology is the automatic behavioral reactions of people, arising as a response to an irritant. Psychological triggers have their own characteristics. An example may be a situation in which a person had to witness an emergency. The first reaction that a person experiences during an accident is fear or fear from the appearance of a sound stimulus. These can be people screaming or car noise. When a person comes to himself, he is overcome by sadness or a different colored reaction.

Trigger in marketing

The advertisers know that the trigger in advertising is a study of the incentives and reasons that led the buyers to perform certain actions on the site. He answers the question why the person decided to buy this, and not another product, why he made a purchase today, not a month later. Analyze all these factors trigger-marketers. Trigger marketing deals with the study of external factors that affect customer demand.

An example is the seasonality of sales for certain products. This type of marketing has its own special tools. One of them - special letters-triggers, which should be specialists. In them, each potential consumer makes personalized special offers, which are developed based on the study of consumer behavior. With the right approach, such letters can give positive results.

Psychological Triggers

Even an aspiring businessman should know that a psychological trigger is such special trigger that causes some kind of psychological reaction in a person and at the same time triggers an irresistible desire to perform a certain action. Asking the question, the trigger - what it is, you should pay attention to Robert Chaldini's book "Psychology of Influence". The author speaks about him, as about a certain mechanism by means of which it is possible to exert influence on every person. In advertising, triggers are used for various emotions:

In psychology, this term is used to describe behavioral reactions of a person. Many are interested in what a psychological trigger is, what this concept means and how to use it efficiently. This is a certain event, or an action that automatically induces a reaction. In other words, a particular situation or act can automatically make it automatically respond to it the same way. This event will be a trigger.

Trust Trigger

Every modern businessman owns his own website and knows about the concept of a trigger. Why should a visitor necessarily trust you and choose from your many offers? If you advertise your own services or products on the site, you can:

  1. Place diplomas, awards, merits.
  2. Leave positive feedback from grateful customers.
  3. Use online chats and advice.
  4. Set up a feedback feedback form.

Sales Triggers

To sell goods and services, it is important not only to produce high-quality products and be the best specialist in your field. An important role will play a variety of psychological techniques. About the fact that the trigger - the best way to attract the attention of potential customers, even beginners should know. Among effective sales triggers:

  1. Uniqueness . Potential customers need to understand which product is being sold and that it can be purchased.
  2. Do everything for the customer . A person is a lazy creature, and therefore if he is offered a calculator for calculating the cost and the minimum number of fields in the order form, there will be more chances that a person will take advantage of this offer.
  3. The concept of herdness . In other words, if a potential buyer knows that this product has already been purchased by many people, then there is a likelihood that he will have a desire to make a purchase or use the service.