Hemorrhoidal nodes - treatment

The appearance of hemorrhoids is associated with a violation of blood flow in the lower part of the rectum, resulting in an increase in hemorrhoids in the anal canal.

In proctology, there are 3 degrees of manifestation of hemorrhoids:

  1. Acute hemorrhoids, which marked burning sensation in the anus, soreness during defecation.
  2. At the second degree of hemorrhoids, the patient experiences constant pain, which increases with walking and sitting. Defecation is painful, with bleeding observed, a strong increase in hemorrhoids. A slight increase in temperature is possible.
  3. The third degree of the disease is characterized by the presence of raspiruyuschih pain, swelling of the nodes, the appearance of signs of necrosis, inflammation of the surrounding tissue. Loss of hemorrhoids becomes common, and bleeding can be profuse.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

The tactics of hemorrhoid therapy depend on the stage of development of the pathological process. In the initial stage of the disease, it is possible to treat hemorrhoids with folk remedies. The most popular of them are:

For the treatment of external hemorrhoids, medicinal preparations are used:

  1. Detralex, which reduces venous stagnation and increases the resistance of capillaries.
  2. Anthrasennin is a laxative used for constipation, of plant origin.
  3. Ginkor forte - tablets, which have a venotonic effect and contribute to improving microcirculation in the lower parts of the intestine. The drug is effective at all stages of hemorrhoid development, as it prevents the formation of hemorrhoids.
  4. Pilex is wound healing, venotonic, remedying agent. Tablets help cope with the manifestations of the disease, both in the acute form of hemorrhoids, and in chronic disease.
  5. Proctosedil and Gepatrombin G, preventing the formation of blood clots.

In combination with tablets for the treatment of inflammation of the hemorrhoidal nodes, rectal suppositories are used:

Some experts believe that candles are effective in an acute period, and in the chronic course of the disease they are ineffective. In case of inflammation of the tissue surrounding the knot, apply anti-inflammatory effects:

Treatment of hemorrhoidal thrombosis

Thrombosis with thrombophlebitis (inflammation) is a complication of hemorrhoids. Doctors warn that thrombosis of the third degree can lead to necrosis, purulent paraproctitis and result in a life-threatening condition - sepsis. When bleeding, candles with adrenaline and haemostatic materials (spongostan, beriplast, etc.) are used. Also for the treatment of thrombosis of hemorrhoidal knots, multicomponent ointments are used:

Radically to get rid of a thrombosis of hemorrhoids it is possible by means of operation - a hemorrhoidectomy. The surgeon performs excision of hemorrhoids with the stitching of the vessels feeding them.

Treatment of prolapse of hemorrhoids

Often an inflamed knot falls out, which causes discomfort and a lot of discomfort during movement. At the initial stage, you should fix the knot yourself with clean hands. If falling out has become habitual, and there is no thrombosis, then experts recommend minimally invasive (non-surgical) therapy. It includes:

  1. Infrared photocoagulation, in which, thanks to radiation, the hemorrhoidal plexus coagulates.
  2. Sclerotherapy - the introduction of sclerosing drugs, reducing nodes.
  3. Proximal doping, when under local anesthesia, a bandage of arteries feeding the nodes of hemorrhoids.
  4. The installation of latex rings, stopping the flow of blood to the site of inflammation, because of what, after 1-2 weeks, the dead knot comes out during the visit to the toilet.