Glyoblastoma of the brain - symptoms

Malignant tumors can form in any part of the human body, including inside the skull. The most common and at the same time most dangerous form of cancer lesions localized in the brain is glioblastoma. This tumor is formed from immature cells of connective tissue, the development of which has not yet been completed. In this regard, it is characterized by a great potential for division and growth, which causes the rapid growth of the tumor and the aggressiveness of its symptoms. Consider what are the symptoms of glioblastoma of the brain, how this type of tumor is classified and how it is diagnosed.

Symptoms of glioblastoma of the brain

As a rule, small tumors have no clinical manifestations, so they can be detected only on examination. As the neoplasm increases, it grows into the surrounding tissues, squeezes and destroys the various parts of the brain, the first signs of glioblastoma appear. However, these symptoms are not specific and can be observed in many other pathologies, which makes it difficult to make an early diagnosis.

Symptoms of glioblastoma of the brain, which can be suspected of cancer, include:

The symptomatology depends on which parts of the brain are affected. The pathological process is very violent, and the symptoms of the glioblastoma of the brain, which is classified as grade 4 malignancy, can be aggravated every day.

Classification of glioblastoma of the brain

There are three types of tumors of this type:

  1. Giant cell glioblastoma - the structure of the tumor is mainly represented by large cells that contain several nuclei inside.
  2. Multiform glioblastoma - characterized by the presence of cells of varying degrees of maturity, as well as a variety of vessels and foci of hemorrhage.
  3. Gliosarcoma is a tumor that contains many sarcomatous components in its structure.

Diagnosis of glioblastoma of the brain

Most often, brain tumors are detected accidentally, when diagnosing other diseases. It is possible to detect glioblastoma by means of magnetic resonance imaging - a visualization method of examination. In this case, a special contrast agent is introduced, through which the malignant cells are colored and become visible in the image. This method allows you to determine the size and boundaries of the tumor. You can also diagnose using a computer tomography of the brain.

Determine the exact histological type of tumor allows for a biopsy. However, in this case, a number of difficulties and risks may arise. for the study, it is necessary to penetrate inside the skull and pick up the tumor fragment without hurting healthy tissue. Therefore, such a diagnosis of intracranial neoplasm rarely succumb, especially with a deep location in the brain structures.