Subcutaneous tick in man

When girls and boys begin puberty, the faces of most of them cover unattractive acne. There is an opinion that this phenomenon is temporary, associated with increased fat content of the skin and a hormonal splash. It will be a couple of years, everything will settle, and acne will go by itself. But is it really so? With this question it is best to consult a dermatologist, and find out everything in advance, so that later it would not be painfully painful for inattention and lost time.

Subcutaneous tick - a real scourge of youth

With the question of the severity of acne in adolescence, we turned to a well-deserved doctor-dermatologist, practicing for almost 30 years, Goshin Andrey Petrovich.

- Andrei Petrovich, hello, the view that teenage eels will pass by themselves, right or wrong?

- Hello. No, the opinion is wrong and that's why. At the age of 13-14, when puberty begins, the work of sebaceous glands is activated, which often leads to a disease called demodecosis or subcutaneous tick in humans. And to recover from it is quite difficult.

- And what are the signs of a subcutaneous tick in a person and how to get rid of it?

- Symptoms of demodectic or subcutaneous tick in humans are as follows. Against the background of increased fatness of the skin there appear ugrepodobnye clearly bounded tubercles. Over time, they, like all acne, ripen, and their purulent contents comes out. But since mites need to eat and multiply, and the skin in the neighborhood is also oily, and hormones hit the key, the mites crawl to other areas, and the picture repeats to infinity. But just as a subcutaneous tick looks like an acne, in order to more accurately diagnose, in addition to an external examination, it is necessary to make an analysis for a subcutaneous tick. It is done so. From the affected area, take a scraping and examine under a microscope. If the tick is found in large numbers and active state, a diagnosis of demodectic disease is made and appropriate treatment is prescribed.

- Andrei Petrovich, how, and can I get rid of a hypodermic tick?

- You can get rid of it, but it is difficult and not always necessary. The fact is that this mite is essentially our usual companion. He lives on the skin of a person and feeds on its dead cells. While our immunity and hormonal background is in order, the tick is quiet. But it's only necessary to develop favorable circumstances, and it starts actively multiplying, which causes the disease.

"But once the disease has appeared, you have to fight it, right?"

- Of course. Treatment of demodicosis is a complex process and strictly individual for each patient. But his general scheme is as follows. Ointment containing sulfur is prescribed for masks. For example, sulfuric-salicylic ointment Wilkinson, veterinary ointment "yam" or benzyl-benzoate. Any of the above ointments are applied to the affected skin for 4-6 hours, and then removed with the help of boiled refined vegetable oil and apply any steroid ointment. Minus all sulfur ointments - it's their smell, but they work without fail. The same property is possessed by foreign means of the krelasil line, but they are more expensive, but they smell nice. Well, and for internal exposure appoint a course of antibiotics and trichopol. And to support the flora of the gastrointestinal tract and immunity, enzymatic and immunostimulating drugs, as well as vitamin A, B, C, and others complexes are added to antibiotics.

- Andrei Petrovich, is it possible to prevent the development of the disease, are there any measures to prevent subcutaneous mites, a special diet and rules of conduct?

- Oh sure. As they say, any illness is easier to prevent than cure. Prevention includes the rejection of fatty and smoked dishes, meat and fish canned foods, coffee, cocoa, chocolate and alcohol. Also it is necessary to exclude any thermal effects, bath, sunbathing, etc. Do not use cosmetics on vegetable oil. Diet with a subcutaneous mite should be rich in vitamins A, B and F. And the skin should be rubbed three times a day with alcohol lotions and cleansing agents. Very good for this lotion with aloe, Vidal milk and shaving cream with vitamin F, mixed with 10 tablets of trihapol.

"Well, thank you, doctor, for your informative consultation." What would you like to wish our readers goodbye?

- Of course, do not get sick and take care of your health.