Can there be a temperature for allergies?

A rise in body temperature almost always indicates inflammation in the body. The more the indicator, the more actively the process of fighting infection. But there can be a temperature for allergies, no one can say for sure - even the opinions of many experienced doctors on this issue diverge.

Is there a temperature with allergies?

In general, the body's reaction to the action of allergens is not accompanied by hyperthermia. Most doctors believe that such symptoms in combination with catarrhal phenomena, represent an ordinary cold or the spread of a viral infection.

Despite this, in recent years, experts have increasingly recorded a rise in temperature when exposed to external factors on the body, both in children and adults. In medicine, this effect was called atypical allergy.

When coughing occurs after contact with an allergen, whether it be an animal or flowers, body temperature should not change. Otherwise, somewhere in the body, an inflammatory process begins.

Can there be a fever for allergies?

If such a reaction occurs to something, you must first find out what caused this effect. It is possible that for this you will need to apply to several of the wachs. After the examination, they definitely have to say whether in a particular case, the allergy can be accompanied by a temperature or not. So, hyperthermia can be observed:

  1. During the taking of medications. Usually it is accompanied by expressive symptoms - there is a rash, itching, the temperature rises.
  2. With tuberculous intoxication. The phenomenon, as a rule, is accompanied by constant heat in people of any age. If the time does not intervene, then in the future the ailment can develop into full-fledged tuberculosis.
  3. In some cases, allergies to pollen or animal hair. In patients, mucosal irritation and an increase in temperature are observed. If after taking antihistamines, the body returns to its former state, it is most likely an atypical course of allergy.
  4. With insect bites. Many doctors are not yet fully sure whether the temperature can rise from allergies when bites of bees, bees and other small inhabitants of the planet. For example, in some patients, in addition to temperature, pain, swelling in the bite, increased pressure, and pulmonary edema may appear. There were cases when similar symptoms appeared even with the use of honey.