Ischemic stroke - treatment

Ischemic stroke is a very serious problem. This syndrome is manifested by a violation of normal brain activity and in the most difficult cases can even lead to death. To avoid negative consequences, treatment of ischemic stroke should be started immediately. There are many modern ways of dealing with the problem.

The main methods of treatment of cerebral ischemic stroke

Ischemic stroke occurs due to impaired blood circulation. That is why the main task of treatment is to quickly and efficiently normalize blood flow. This can be done only after a qualified examination and to identify the reason why the blood circulation was disturbed.

Most often, the treatment course consists of vasodilators and thrombolytics. The most popular drugs for the treatment of ischemic stroke are as follows:

1. Aspirin is an excellent platelet agent. In addition to him, in this category, you can identify such tools as:

2. Patients after ischemic stroke are shown angioprotectors:

3. Assign and drugs that have a neurotrophic action:

4. Antioxidants will not be superfluous either:

For the treatment of left- and right-sided ischemic stroke, the same medicines are used mostly. But depending on the form of the disease and the state of health of the patient, the composition of medicines may vary. In any case, treatment must necessarily be prescribed by a specialist.

Treatment of ischemic stroke with folk remedies

The basic treatment should be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions of the specialist. Experiment with folk remedies (but without fanaticism, of course!) You can start only at the stage of rehabilitation. Moreover, it is better to coordinate all your actions with the attending physician.

Among the most effective prescriptions for the treatment of ischemic stroke folk remedies can be identified as follows:

  1. Mix half a cup of honey and onion juice. Keep the product in the refrigerator, take a tablespoon after each meal.
  2. Perfectly helps restore the infusion of sage.
  3. In the diet for the time of rehabilitation it is recommended to include dates.
  4. For a month in a day, you can make baths with the addition of broth of dogrose.